Getting to know her Part 1

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Chance's Point of View:

After listening to the girls story of how they met and their background stories, Sergio allowed us to get to know the girls a little more better by letting us choose speak individually with one of the girls we can each relate to.

I decided to talk to Ciara.

There's something about her... Like, she has more to stay but doesn't want to say it out loud and I want to know what's on her mind.

We went to our corner's and had our own space to where we can chat.

I laid against the wall looking at Ciara as she was laying against the wall on her side next to me with her knees up against her chest and she herself was looking at me as well.

"So, Ciara... Tell me about yourself!" I said.

"Well, I'm 19 and you don't have to call me Ciara... Everyone calls me Cara because I care alot about others" she said.

"Ok Cara!" I said smiling and she smiled back at me.

"Besides dancing, I was able to become a Dental's Assistant where I was able to make good money and save enough on the side to go study Early Childhood Development at a community college" she said.

"Nice!" I said.

"Yeah thanks" she said.

"Do you love kids?" I asked feeling a little concerned about that question.

"Yes, they're so adorable! I am often the Nanny or Babysitter for family, friends, and others. You need someone to watch your kids that's me!" She said.

"That's good to know!" I said feeling my cheek bones start to hurt as my smile is getting bigger.

"Sergio told me and the girls that you have a daughter!" She said.

"Yeah I do... Her name is Brooklyn" I pulled out my phone to show her a picture of Brooklyn.

"She's so cute!" Cara said.

"Yeah, she's my little Angel. Maybe, you can meet her one day!" I said putting my phone back in my pocket.

"You think so?" She asked.

"Yeah, why not? Brooklyn's mother has her boyfriend come around our daughter and it's fine so, she shouldn't have a problem with me bringing around a female friend of mine to see her" I explained.

"Chance... Can I ask you something?" She said.

"Yeah sure" I said.

"If Brooklyn's mom wasn't in a relationship with her boyfriend would you want to get back with her?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and couldn't help but let a few tears run down my cheeks.

"Chance, if you don't want to answer that question you don't have to. I'm sorry I even asked" she said.

"No, it's okay" I told her and took another deep breath before speaking.

"By the time, I found out that she was pregnant... I didn't know what to think! And we were so young, I blocked everything out and by the time I knew what I wanted it was to late. The only other time I ever felt this way was when my dad died when I was 8. I didn't know what to do!" I laid my head down on my hand with my eyes closed. Not wanting to look at her see me cry.

I felt fingertips on my cheek going to my chin. I felt the fingertips lift up my face from my chin. I managed to open my eyes, still teary eyed I was able to see Cara's face expression as she looked at me and I looked at her. I feel her fingertips from both of her hands on my face and feel her thumbs wiping away my tears as they're still rolling down my face.

I have seemed to have stopped crying. She starts to lean in closer to me and wraps her arms around me and hugs me. I start to wrap my arms around her and hold her close in our hug that we stay like that for a while.

We finally pull away.

"Thanks Cara! You really do care" I said wiping away the rest of my tears.

"Of course I do... I'm practically the mom of the group" she said.

"Even though we're not like that anymore we still have a friendly relationship for Brooklyn and she's all that matters. And I'm doing everything I can to provide for her, myself and my family!" I said.

"That's Good!" She said.

I can see that Cara truly does care about others than herself... 

She cares for Sergio as well as the other girls in their group and maybe besides me she'll care for the other guys once she gets to know them.

I want to get to know her more. Not only do I want to further myself within the Boy Band competition, but I want to further myself and see what my relationship with Cara will be like.

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