Catching up with Miles

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Jaelyn's Point of View:

As I made it to the exit door and made it outside.
I looked to my right to see Miles sitting there by himself.
If I was him, I probably wouldn't want to talk to anyone just after being eliminated. But as concerned as I was I wanted to comfort him.

I walked towards him as his face was down in his hands.

"Hey!" I said slowly approaching him at a good distance.

He lifted his head up and looked at me "Hey!" He said.

"You okay? Oh, I'm sorry I asked that!" I said feeling a little bit stupid of what not to say.

"Well, I'm okay now! Now, that you're here!" He said with a smile on his face.

I smiled back.
Hopefully, I don't blush too much to where my face would turn red.

"I honestly think the architects made a mistake and the people who chose Mikey don't see talent in you like I do!" I said with confidence.

"Thanks Jae!" He replied.

"Well, the night is still young! Do you want to walk to Starbucks and get something to drink?" I asked.

"Yeah why not!" He replied.
He got up from sitting and walked beside me with his arm around me and I wrapped an arm around his waist and we made our way to Starbucks.

We ordered our drinks and sat at Starbucks for a while talking.

"So have you been making any song of your own lately?" I asked him as I took a sip of my Java Chip Frappuccino.

"I have! I actually want you to listen to it, but not here!" He said taking one last sip off his Frappuccino.

"Okay, where do you want me to listen to it then?" I asked.

"I want you to listen to it at the studio I work at... It's not that far from here!" He explained.

"Okay! Let's go!" I said.
We both stood up, threw our drinks away, left through out the front door and started walking again but towards the studio Miles works at.

We got to the studio and luckily Miles has a key with him to get in.
We entered the studio and he closes the door behind me.
I walk beside him and follow him to the room where the music happens.

"You can sit down here" he says pointing at the couch.

I sit down and watch him deal with setting up the track for the song he's wanting to perform for me.

He then goes inside the room not far from where I'm sitting on the couch, puts on the headphones and the track starts playing and he starts singing.

Miles is really talented and a really great singer.

I listen closely to the words and it sounds like a really good love song and I wonder is this a song he wrote for me or just a song he just came up with?

After, he was done singing he came out of the room.

"So what did you think?" He asked.

"It sounded really good Miles! What's the name of the song?" I said.

"Home... It's called Home" he replied.

Miles Point of View:

After, I was done singing in the music room not far from where Jae was sitting on the couch.

Part of me, wondered if she knew the song was for her?
I decided to give a different approach!

Have you ever sing a song in one of these?" I asked pointing to the music room.

"No I haven't!" She replied.

"Do you want to try and sing something?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure!" She replied.

"Okay, what song do you want to sing?" I asked.

She thought for a second before answering "Hymn for the weekend by Coldplay!" She said.

"The single version or the duet version?" I asked knowing there were two different versions.

" I want to try a duet with the slow version instead of the fast version!" She says.

"Okay, you go in there. Put the headphones on and I'll be there in a second!" I said and she went right in and was ready to sing.

I came in behind her and grabbed the other pair of headphones and she started to sing and then I began to follow her lead.

I was close to her side as we continued to sing together. Towards the end of the song, my face was almost close to hers.
She looked up at me and I was looking at her.
She kept still and I just decided to lean in a kiss her.

I pulled away and looked back at her.
She turned away and took the headphones off and set them aside as I did with mine.
She turned back to me and grabbed my face and pulled me towards her for another kiss.
I placed my hands on her waist.

We kept kissing each other as we were making our way out of the music room.
While walking forward, she was walking backwards and we stopped by the time she felt the couch hit the back of her legs.
We stopped kissing for a second and both laughed a little before she brought her lips back to mine for another kiss.

We both slowly sat down on the couch not wanting to break our kissing session again. I laid her back slowly down on the couch as I hover over her.

After, a few more kisses I stopped. Not wanting to go to far and especially not wanting anything to happen at least where I work. This isn't exactly a romantic setting.

I look down at her as she looks up at me and we give each other one last kiss.

She turned to lay on her side and I did the same and laid on my side.
I played with her hair and she placed her hand on my cheek.

"This just became the best night of my life" I said silently calm to her.

She smiled and I smile too before leaning in to give her another kiss.

I may not have made it through the boy band competition, but in the end I ended up with something better!

I won Jae and I won her heart as well!

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