Guitar Lessons

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Cecilia's Point of View:

Me and the girls are wanting to spend as much time with the guys as possible this weekend since, they'll be busy rehearsing this week.

Every guy is going to be performing next week and they're going to go live!
Not only are we going to be watching but so will everyone in America and probably other countries will be watching as well.

Today, I'm going to spend the day with Drew at his hotel room so, he can show me his guitar skills and he's also going to give me a guitar lesson as well.

Drew's Point of View:

I'm in my hotel room, waiting for CeCe to get here.

We're going to spend as much time together as we can cause next week all of us guys are going to be busy rehearsing for when we go live.
We need to make sure we get every move and word right and hopefully we won't humiliate ourselves live on TV.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

I hear a knock at the door and know that it's CeCe.
I go to look through the peep hole and see that it's her.

I open the door " Hi" I said.

"Hi" she says and we give each other a hug as she steps in and I close the door behind her.

"Okay, you sit here at the end of the bed" I explained to her.

She sits at the end of the bed as told and I go to grab my guitar and sit in the chair in front of her.

"Okay, before we can start on your first guitar lesson. I'm going to show you what I can do first... Any song request?" I asked her as I tighten the strings on my guitar.

She thinks for a little bit...
"How about I need your Love by Madilyn Bailey!?" She says.

"Okay, this song is going to need some words... Do you want to help me and sing?" I asked.

"Yeah okay!" She says sounding a little bit nervous but I could tell she was a little bit excited.

I started to move my fingers, pulling at the right strings on my guitar.
She began to sing and then I would start to sing along with her.

Her singing was just as beautiful as she was.

We stopped in the middle of the song.

"Okay now, let's try and see what you can do!" I said.

I get up from the chair and go to sit on the bed next to her. I hand her my guitar and go behind her, helping her adjust her hands in the right position to play.

As I was adjusting her hands, she looked up into my eyes as I looked into her, she then looks at her hands to see me positioning them.
It felt like we should be holding hands, but aren't quite intertwine.

I start telling her which strings to pull to hit the right note and she's a quick learner and got it down.

She then smiled at how surprised she was that she was actually pretty good at playing my guitar.
I started to smile too.

She stopped and looked at me and we were both still smiling.

We stared into each other's eyes for a while until, I looked down at her lips and I guess she noticed cause she looked at my lips as well.

I leaned towards her and she knew exactly what I was doing cause she started to lean a little forward herself.
We both started to close our eyes and then our lips touched.

Cecilia's Point of View:

My lips are connected with Drew's and we continue to move our lips as they're still together.
As we're kissing, I'm still holding his guitar but I feel him pulling it away and setting it somewhere else.

I feel him put his hand on my cheek, holding my face gently and still.
I place my hand over the hand that's on my cheek, before letting it go to his wrist.

I feel myself start to fall back slowly and I feel Drew start to come down with me as our lips are still moving with each other.

Drew's hand is still on my cheek and I can feel his arm wrap around me as we lay back on the bed.
I move my hand away from his wrist and to his cheek and wrap my other arm around his shoulder.

We kiss a little more before we finally pull apart.

He looks at me as I look up at him.
He smiles at me and I smile back.

"I guess I'm going to need more guitar lessons like this" I explained.

We both smiled and laughed together.
He leaned forward to give me a couple of more kisses until, he laid down next to me.
With his arm still around me, I turn to my side and lay my head on his chest and place my hand there as well.

I feel him place a kiss on my head and we stay cuddling like that.

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