The aftermath of Boy Band

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Alyssa's Point of View:

The girls were sad to see the show already come to an end.
This was the best show to watch during the summer and it was good to see our friend who is also my boyfriend make it into a boy band.

Hopefully, they make a second season!

After the show ended, the boys were already set up on doing performances and interviews and such.

The girls and myself agreed that we would still be friends if we were still in our dance group or not.

Jae has been spending a lot of time with Miles now. Not only is she his girlfriend but, also his manager and helping him go forward with his music career.

Usually, best friends would complain about spending time with their boyfriends instead of their friends. But, we're okay with... All of our boyfriends are friends with each other and if we wouldn't have met them like that, we wouldn't be in relationships right now!
Every now and then we would all get together and hang out when the boys aren't busy.

It was good to see the boys being interviewed and asked if they were single or in relationships.
They all said they were in relationships with friends of Sergio's and that made us smile.

One day, me and the girls were hanging out at the dance studio and get a phone call from Sergio.

On Speaker Phone:

All the girls: Hey Sergio!!!!

Me: Hi Babe!

Sergio: Hey Baby and Hey girls!!
I have you on speaker here as do you... I'm here with the guys and someone else who I want y'all to listen to!

Alyssa: Let us in on this discussion!

Sergio: Okay, we have our manager here and he was talking about getting back up dancers for when we tour! And we told him about y'all and showed him a video and he was very impressed. So, he and also we are wondering if you would join us on tour! What do y'all think?

Me and the girls all looked at each other and starting smiling and screaming with excitement.

The girls: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! We would love to!

Sergio: Great! We can't wait to have you on tour with us! I love you baby!

Me: I love you too!

All the girls: We love you guys!!!!

The boys: We love y'all too girls!!!!

The Girls and Boys: Bye!!!!!!!!

End of Phone Conversation.

Me and the girls couldn't believe that we'll be joining the guys on their tour.
We see a lot of good things happening not only for us but, them too.

Look out world! Here comes In Real Life and their girlfriends/Back Up Dancers!!

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