Back Up Dancers

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Cecilia's Point of View:

Sergio asked me and the girls to come to the Boy Band set with him and the guys.
Which is odd cause we didn't see the point in going cause they're the ones performing not us girls.

When we get there, we meet up with the guys and notice someone really important and famous is there with them.

"Hey girls, you made it!" Sergio says as he approachs us and gives his girlfriend Alyssa a hug and kiss on her forehead.

"Come on, I want y'all to meet someone!" He says as he's holding Alyssa's hand and we follow from behind.

"Girls, I'm you know who this amazing guy is right here!" He suggested.

Me and the girls all nodded in agreement that the man standing not far from us is singer and producer Timbaland.

"Tim... This is CeCe, Cara, Evelyn and this girl here is Alyssa!" He introduced us to Timbaland.
He placed a gentle kiss on his girlfriend's hand as he was still holding it.

"Ladies, it's a pleasure to meet you all!" He replied as he shook each of our hands which we accepted.

"Sergio has told me all about y'all and how amazing dancers y'all are!" He explained.

We all nodded and can say that that's true.

"Well, this week it's break up week and we actually need some back up dancers for one of the groups.
And that group is New Wave!
Sergio told us about y'all and showed us a video as well!
And we thought, these girls are good... We should let them be the dancers. That is if they want to be the back up dancers?" He explained.

After, hearing what Timbaland had to say. Me and the girls all looked at each other wide eyed and surprised that Sergio actually recommend us to be back up dancers for his group.

And they were already asking us for an answer right now if we wanted to do this!

Me and the girls had to say yes to that.

This is our opportunity to not only be on TV but, to show what we got and spend time with the guys as well.

Me and the girls all replied at the same time "Yes we'll do it!".

"Great! Y'all will be dancing individually with a boy from New Wave, which has Sergio, Mikey, Marcus and Jhype.
So, boys pick which girl you want to dance with!" Timbaland explained.

Sergio already had his arm around Alyssa.
So, she's off limits and is his partner for the performance.

Marcus was walking forward with his arms stretched out like he wanted to hug someone and that someone was Evelyn.
She too stuck her arms out to hug him and they came together through a hug.
They came out of their hug and he wrapped his arm around her, showing that he should her to be his partner.

Mikey then swayed his way over to Cara and wrapped an arm around her and she just smiled and giggled a bit.

That left Jhype to be the last and became my partner.
We gave each other a hug and I put my arm around his shoulder as he put an arm around my waist.

And we were all ready to go.

"Okay, now that you all have your partners... You'll be practice during rehearsal tomorrow with the choreographers! And we'll see how y'all perform Thursday night!" Timbaland explained.

We all nodded and agreed to that.

"Alright guys, I got to go see you soon. Ladies, it was nice meeting y'all and good luck out there!" He said and left.

"Thank you, Tim!" Me and the girls said.

With that, we left the set and went on with our day and would be ready for rehearsal tomorrow.

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