Chapter 18- Taliesin

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Chapter 18- Taliesin

"They have the capacity to blow the lunar station out of the sky if provoked." I stepped up behind Alice and Drai, my father trailing behind me. Looking about the cabin, I took note of the wide glass panes on either wall, gathering my thoughts. "And yet, they have not fired a single round of ammunition."

"Do you think that they will anytime soon?" Padraigin said as she welcomed me.

"I do not know," I hesitated., "I think their focus for now is to amass their forces, increase their wall of machinery, and cut us off from the rest of the galaxy."

Alice turned, tension pinching her brow. "What would provoke them into engaging in armed conflict?"

"You would know better than us," my father stood at attention, picking lint off of his uniform. "Being that you are human, born on Earth." He narrowed his eyes.

"You are mistaken," Alice answered, piercing him with an unwavering gaze, "I am not human, I am Oriehn. I am also the last—"

"The last-born female?" He interrupted. "Yes, the last-born female, who has spent a considerable amount of time on Earth. You have connections there, do you not?" He turned to Drai's father, elaborating, "She was found by my son working for a team of scientists for Earth's insurgence—the same insurgence poised to kill right outside our window."

"Padraigin," her father inquired, "is this true?"

"Yes," Drai answered. "But it is no cause for suspicion. I told you that she was unaware of her ancestry," Drai said quickly.

"That would be a fine strategy. Pretend to be compliant and to assume the superior role of the savior of an entire race. Access would be provided to any and all classified documents, perfect to gather information for the rebel forces on Earth," my father scoffed. "Tell me, did you even monitor her communications and technology privileges?"

"Enough!" I tensed, fighting the doubt that naturally crept up my throat and settled there, watching as an angered blush came over Alice's face. She had proven herself over and over, and yet I couldn't stop the small tide of vulnerability that washed over me at my father's words.

"For all that we know, the last-born female could be controlling the capsules and recording this very conversation! All for the benefit of the enemy!"

"I am sorry that you think so little of my character that you think I would turn on a family and a sense of belonging that my very soul has been yearning for," Alice grit out. Her eyes were glassy, and she bit her lip between her teeth.

Irritated at my father for wounding her, I placed my hand on Alice's shoulder, "Father, she is the reason I am still alive today. She is not the enemy," I pointed towards the glassed wall, and the unmanned capsules that lay behind it. "They! They are the enemy."

"Forgive my assumption then," the commander stated blandly, suspicion still clouding his face.

I shook my head, but changed the course of our conversation, "We came here to inquire about the Combatant stand point," I turned to Drai's Father. "The Venery is set against engaging. But what about our soldiers? Would they be willing to send out the elite combatants?"

"To accomplish what?" Alice asked.

"Reconnaissance. I would like to think that we could get an estimate and calculate their rate of growth. Perhaps from that information, we can form a plan of attack," I gripped her shoulder, looking back up to the commander and Drai's father.

"Officially? I do not think that I could commission an assignment of that sort. We have had so many already that have turned up no new information and only served to put our men at risk." He hesitated, "But on a volunteer basis? Perhaps you could rally a few of my soldiers."

"You could give him the authority to," Drai inserted.

"Yes. On volunteer basis only, mind you, Padraigin," Her father said, waving his index finger at Drai, who nodded.

"Then I volunteer. I will assist Sin and the others," Drai announced.

"And I as well," Alice added, nodding. "What?" She asked when I gave her an incredulous look.

"You? Unskilled and untrained in battle or assessing an enemy?" I would have laughed if the situation were any different.

"Would you have me sit in my cabin, twiddling my thumbs, as you and the others investigate a threat to my people?" She glared, "Perhaps I will ask Ian to join our mission. He is, after all, a soldier for the combatants."

"Leanian Lorne?" Drai's Father asked. "He is one of our best. I will call him over for the offer."

Alice smirked,"I am sure he will be an asset to our team."

"Indeed," I gritted out, "I am sure he will."

The Combatant Commander waved the soldier over, who had been previously conversing with his fellow warriors.

"Commander," Leanian saluted. "How may I assist you today?" He looked over at Alice and grinned. She sent him a dazzling smile back, and I growled lowly.

"We need volunteers for a mission," I bit out. "I am told that you are at the top of your field, Private Lorne."

"And you want me to accompany you?" He asked.

I refused to speak, and when the silence was stretched thin, Alice filled in, "It was my idea, I wanted you to come."

Ian smiled, grazing her arm with his palm. I tensed. "This mission," Ian looked over through the window, "is it because of them?" He pointed. Alice nodded, smiling at him.

"Yes," Alice placed her hand on Ian's shoulder. "Sin needs our help gathering information. We want to find a way to beat those machines."

He nodded; looking slightly dazed at Alice's attention, he turned to me. "I am in. What do you need me to do? And who else will be going with us?"

"Alice, Drai, and I will be doing most of the ground work," I answered,"you will be flying the capsule."

He nodded, stepping back and standing at attention. "With your leave of course, Commander I would like to join these three," he directed towards Drai's father.

"Indeed. Be safe, all of you," he said. My father grunted in response, refusing to send us his well wishes.

I turned away, and examined everyone. Drai was standing to the side, silent but determined. Leanian was gazing down at Alice, and Alice was staring up at me, shifting on her feet slightly. "We need to move. I will have the supplies ready in minutes, and Leanian? How quickly can you arrange a capsule to take us?"

"In no time at all," hHe answered back.

"Let Alice and I change from our ceremonial clothes into tactical suits in case we need to leave the capsules while in space. We will meet the both of you in the aft hangar." Padraigin offered, linking arms with Alice gingerly.

"Be quick then," I advised. "We have little time to spare."

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