Chapter 8: The Iodine Experiment

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I walked down the hallway and into Chemistry class where Peter Parker was already sitting at his stool. Shit. We had a Chemistry Lab today. You know that saying, "Karma's a Bitch."? Yeah I totally believe it.

Today's was all about Iodine and how it affects certain elements. So I grabbed beakers, test tubes, and a funnel. Peter seemed to be dazed off into pace as I strapped the goggles around my head.

"Peter?" I whispered, slightly nudging him.

"Is it Hydrogen?" He asked me.

"Peter what in hells name." I laughed.

"Oops...I just embarrassed myself didn't I?" He whispered.

"Yes." I giggled more quietly than before.

  We started the lab and as I started writing down the observations for the first part of the lab, I told Peter to pour in the Iodine for the next part. When I looked up, I saw that Peter was looking at me and not paying attention to the level of Iodine he was pouring. I gasped and he stopped pouring, now realizing what he'd done.

"Peter!" I scolded.

"Sorry..." He said.

"Mrs. McAllen! We have a bit of an emergency." I said from our desk.

"Oh my!" She gasped as she came over.

  The Iodine was now bubbling over, and then as that happened, someone's clothing caught on fire because they'd gotten too close to the burner. And as that happened, the Principal decided it was a good idea to come in. And just as he was going to ask what on Earth was happening, our beaker exploded.

"Nice work, Peter." I said as we sat outside of the Principal's office.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh don't pretend you don't know." I rolled my eyes.

"You just looked so beautiful, sitting there writing notes in your spiral notebook. So proud of who you are." Peter smiled slightly.

"That's sweet. But what would your girlfriend think of this?" I asked.

"She'd probably be super pissed." He admitted.

"Why do you keep coming back for me?" I asked.

"I-" He began.

"Miss Stark. Mr. Parker." Principal Watkins said simply.

"Principal Watkins, we're really sorry-" I began.

"You're not in any trouble, you two." Principal Watkins laughed.

"Well then, why are we here?" I asked.

"Mrs. McAllen believes you should be in trouble for something you didn't do. She's just embarrassed." Principal Watkins rolled his eyes.

"And what does that have to do with us?" I asked.

"She wants you two suspended. But I believe you two were just having some...*ahem* inconveniences." Principal Watkins smiled knowingly.

"So...we aren't in trouble?" Peter asked.

"Not in the slightest, Mr. Parker." Principal Watkins said.

"Thank You Principal Watkins." I smiled and we left together.

"So, as you were saying before we went in there?" I asked.

"Well I-" Peter began.

"Peter, we need to talk." Mary Jane came up and dragged Peter away.

Well Shit.

𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 | 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now