oh shit. i'm going out with a member of one direction...

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'i hate you!' i screamed. I couldnt stop screaming it! 'Your a fucking twat! Die in hell!' I was still screaming. The fiqure infront of me got up and walked away. 'Yeah. Thats right, you just be a man and fuck the hell off!' i shouted. He turned and waved then carried on walking. 'Never come back!' i said slightly quiter. He got to the door and opened it. 'Goodbye Em, see ya' around.' And walked out shutting the door behind him. I broke down into tears. How could he do this to me? I loved him! I must have been crying for a while, as I was still crying when my brother got in. 

'Whats up!?' He said sounding worried. 'Jay dumped me.' I mumbled and broke down again. 'What!? Why!?' He said, his own anger bubling up. 'He cheated... With Shannon.' i mumbled. 'That twat.' he said crossly. 'He's not worth your tears darling.' He said sweetly coming to sit next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder whilst i whept into it. I must have sat crying for another good half hour and only managed to stop when the doorbell rang. 'Who's that?' I asked him. 'Ohh just the boys.' he said with a smile. ' aww okaay' I said putting on a false smile as my brother went to answer the door. 

'HARRY!!!' I heard them scream as my brother got pushed to the floor. I couldnt stop laughing. 

oh shit. i'm going out with a member of one direction...Where stories live. Discover now