oh shit. i'm going out with a member of one direction... (chapter 4)

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'Yummy!' Said Zayn picking up his 3rd slice of pizza

We were all still snuggled up on the sofa (well except Liam who's sitting on the floor by our feet).


We all sat up, Louis started counting us then looked confused. Harry got up to get the door, I followed suit.  We got to the door and clicked the chain on. Gingerly Harry opened the door. 'Hi is Mr and Mrs Styles here? said the starnge man. 'No, but is there anything I can help you with?' Asked Harry quivering. 'Errr... No thanks, I'll be on my way now, but mark my words if your parents drop round make sure they know I came round.' He said with a sneer. 'Well when that day comes which is very unlikely seeing as they are dead, I will.' Harry said anger rising. He shut the door in the mans face and walked back to the sofa with a look of worridness and sadness. I walked up to Harry and gave him a hug. 

'It's okay Hazzabear' I whispered. 

'Thats my line!' Said Louis jumping up 

Sorry for the cliffhanger! who was the man? :O comments please

what will happen next? 

oh shit. i'm going out with a member of one direction...Where stories live. Discover now