oh shit. i'm going out with a member of one direction...

16 0 0


It's been two weeks since I finally left the hospital. The boys are looking after me and keeping me safe. Although when I say safe I mean I can't go anywhere without one of them so I couldn't really go anywhere. Majority of my friends hadn't spoken to me and I was really beginning to feel alone. The boys although trying to cheer me up, had lives of their own and were busy. 

My time mostly consisted of me sitting alone in my room, hardly eating and sleeping way to much that I was over tired.

"Are you going to come out today?" It was Harry, knocking on my bedroom door again.

I ignored him.

"You can't stay shut up alone in your room forever babe" Louis said.

Again I ignored them both.

"Em, you can't just shut everyone out." 

They tried for another hour before announcing their depart for the studio. When I heard the front door shut, I ran out of my room. Embracing the open only to run to the kitchen grab some food and drink and retreat back to my room. On my way upstairs the their was a knock at the door. I sighed and dropped the food on the stairs and tip toed to the door to peep out the spy hole. 

It was Niall.

"Em, I know you're behind the door, open it and let me in." 

I moved back from the door and ran to the stairs. I was scared. I'd isolated myself from eveyone and resulted in hurting myself. I couldn't face any of them, let alone my brother. My new secret had to stay secret, one day I might tell him but for now, for now he has to focus on the band.

5 hours have past and they're all back, Harry has again come to my room but it remains firmly locked.

"I know you've been out of that room!" He said.

As normal I ignored him.

"You know what Em! I'm getting pretty pissed off with this. What are you hiding?!"

Guilt seeped through me.

"If you're not out of that room in 2 hours I'm knocking the door down!" 

I panicked. I look around my room. I grabbed a rucksack and packed some clothes, shoes and other bits, grabbed my phone and ipad, I got a pad of paper and left them a note;

I'm sorryI love you, stay strong Harry! Em xoxo

I hoisted my bag onto my back and ran to the window. I opened it and jumped.

There was no going back. I landed funny on my ankle and half ran half hobbled round the corner before anyone could see me.



So it's been like a year?

anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

How has your year been? 

I hope you've had a much better year than me!

Please comment and vote 

I promise I won't make you wait another year for another update!

See ya' soon

Saph <3 x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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