oh shit. i'm going out with a member of one direction... (chapter 9)

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I finished in my shower and cautiously opened the door leading to my room. "Is anyone here?" I asked trying to sound big and strong. No noise followed my commented and so i trudged out of my room. I ran towards the door leading to my walk in wardrobe and flung it open and walked through the door and grabbed the first pair of underwear I could find and chucked it on. I then grabbed a bra and chucked that on to. Oh great, it's pink, frilly, flirtious and sluty... I sighed, whipped it off and grabbed a casual one, I then delveled in more and pulled out my Hollister jeans and Jack Wills top, I then grabbed a pair of Toms and slipped them on rearranging the cuff of my jeans to suit my Toms. I walked over to my dressing table and grabbed my hair brush and started attacking my hair, after 2 hours I was finally ready. 

I arrived downstairs to find Niall sitting alone. "You okaay leprechaun?" I asked with a smile. "Of course! Heey, nice Jack Wills!" He said in his adorable accent. "Thanks" I blushed. 

Come on Em control yourself! You've known him for nearly 4 years, you cant suddenly get feelings for him! You've just broken up with Jay for goodness sake! 

A sudden babble brought me back to earth. " I want to go shopping!" "But I want to watch a movie!" "I want to go swimming!" 

"wooooo!" I said "How about, Zayn and Liam go shopping, Harry and Louis go swimming and to the cinema?" I  suggested. "What about you and Niall?" Asked Liam. "Well I fancy shopping what about you Nialler?" I smirked looking over to him. "I want Nandos for Lunch though!" He said with a straight face. "Fine! Meet us at Nandos 2:30pm! Okaay!?" Liam said talking to Louis and Harry.

"Yep! Cool beans!" 

We all headed for the door and went our seperate ways.

oh shit. i'm going out with a member of one direction...Where stories live. Discover now