oh shit. i'm going out with a member of one direction... (chapter 13)

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authors note: 

so yes, this is a rubbish story but I would love some feedback, please <2


I heard Harry leave, and come back talking with a nurse. "I dont know what happened...She just went" He said sounding very convincing. The nurse walked over to the monitor, she pressed a few buttons, shocks ran up my spine as liquids seeped into my body. "She should awake soon, I'll keep a check" She said as she left the room. I sat up, everything's spinning, I'm feeling dizzy! what is this!? "I'm gonna be sick!" I said urgently. Zayn ran up to my side and grabbed the pot, neatly I threw up and lay back down. Zayn pushed the hair of of my face and went to sit back down. "Better?" asked Harry looking at me. "Much" I said smiling weakly. "What in gods name was that all about?" asked Louis. "Sorry, I saw him. The man that did this to you, he looked in the window but couldnt see so I stepped out to get the nurse and he asked how you were, I ignored him and walked on. This is all his fault!" Harry said growing angry. "Shut up! No it's not!" I said with as much effort as I could muster. Liam cut in before Harry and started another topic as I dozed lazily and only awoke when the doctor came in. 

"aah Miss Styles! I hear you had a turn earlier, how do you feel now?" He said looking at my notes. "Much better!" I said nervously. "Good, Good, well just as a precaution we'll keep you in tonight and check you over again in  the morning." He said putting the folder down. "Can I go home tomorrow?" I asked getting excited. "I dont see why not!" The doctor said smiling as he left the room. 

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