Princess Diana (and the eradication of the negative AIDS stigma)

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Since the US🇺🇸 has preceded in the last chapter, let's cross the Atlantic to visit another major power. The UK🇬🇧.

But first, let's talk about AIDS and how it's related to homosexuality. In the mid 80s, AIDS was commonly intertwined with the lifestyle of gays. One cannot mentioned the community without addressing the disease.

Therefore, there exists a social stigma that all gays have AIDS. This was simply a result of correlation. The problem was, gays made up half the number of individuals infected with HIV. So, people eventually presume that Gay=AIDS. That's not true. Actually, Gay=a fabulous fashion makeover.

Now, the UK is still among the few countries that kept their monarchs👑 around. Within the royal family there is one deceased 20 years ago. Her name was Princess Diana.

On April 1987, Princess Diana opened the UK's first purpose built HIV/Aids unit➕. She also held and touched those suffering from AIDS. Basically, she publicly proved that AIDS can't be transmitted by physical contact. Something people wouldn't believe til then. Slowly the paradigm shifted and people gradually accepted and treated AIDS patients with slightly more respect (still a work in progress).

Princess Diana is basically Queen Margery from the Game of thrones minus the condescending air and serial sluttiness.🔥

So, let's all take a moment of silence to acknowledge her contribution to the lgbt society.

Stay safe.

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