Bisexuality 👫👬👭

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Bisexuals are NOT inherently and/or exclusively

1)  greedy
2)  less faithful
3) sex crazed maniacs
4)  indecisive
5) attention seekers

Some bisexuals claim to be more heterosexual than homosexual and vice versa. Which is possible, because sexuality is best measured by the Kinsey scale 📈 which isn't a discrete distribution. I'll cover the Kinsey scale in the near future.


So bisexuals are those who are attracted to only the two genders, male and female. This differs from pansexuals who are but not necessarily always attracted to everyone.

But wait, if you're confused that's perfectly normal. Some may ask, "Ain't someone who's attracted to 2 genders attracted to everyone?" Technically not. Because after all, there are more than just 2 genders in the world.

For example, we have androgynous (someone who has both male and female traits), gender non-conforming (someone who doesn't display or accept either male nor female customs), transgenders and so forth.

I personally think bisexuals are really cool. I mean, since they play for both teams, they can easily assimilate into any culture that suits them. Which means that, although they don't receive as much recognition as hetero or homosexuals, they can choose to pretend to be only either. (I am NOT saying they choose to be bisexuals, I just meant that unlike their counterparts, they could choose to "be" either gay or straight.) That means it would be easier for them to fit in with whichever crowd when the need arises. That's twice the fun.

But seriously, you bisexuals rock!!🗿

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