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Coincidentally, the NCOD shares today's date (11th October) with the IDOTG. The IDOTG stands for International Day of The Girl. I find the fact that a celebration by the LGBT+ community overlapping with a day that represents female empowerment is a pretty apt occasions indeed.

This is because females have always been our biggest allies. Perhaps it is due to how both our groups are often discriminated against in a world which caters to suit a hetero-cis white male. Or maybe is just simply cause the majority of females are more empathetic and caring.

Either way, remember the saying that a girls best friend is a gay dude? Well, even filmmakers are aware of this. Cetain movies have explored those themes. For instance, the GBF displays situations where girls and gay guys depend on each other for social survivability.

At any rate, I need to confess. I didn't know anything about IDOTG until up about 5 minutes ago when I was scrolling through my feed and accidentally bumped into an article that talks about how children within certain age groups in U.S. and parts of West Africa believe that males rule the household and require more extensive education females. That is bull of course. Everyone deserves equal rights to everything. The article also mentioned IDOTG which got me interested. So I did a bit of research and decided to publish this small piece ASAP before the day is over.

Hence, i dedicate this chapter to all the girls and women out there. If you are ever feeling oppressed or troubled, just call out to anyone of us from the LGBT+ community because we could empathise with your situation better than most therapist. I'm sure we're quite willing to help. After all, you have been a strong, significant ally of ours and it's time we returned the favour. You could PM me directly or a close friend of yours who you trust will listen and withhold judgement. Or, you could call your local helpline for some respite.

Remember, we have to stick together and defend each other's rights whenever possible cause we're all we've got in the world. The more of us that stand up against discrimination, the better chance we have of eradicating it entirely. We need to curb the retrograde paradigm of male dominance and female subordination in order to bring up a better form of society in the future. One with minimal rates of inequality because let's face it, we can't eliminate discrimination entirely. That sort of feat would require a devastating cataclysmic event or a disproportionate amount of time. Time which we don't have at the rate were going. Global warming is a big deal people. Its such a problem that I'll probably cover that next time.

Females are often opposed by society as a whole when it come to deal with topics like education, abortion, sexual assault, child marriage and health services.

There are proactive steps we can take to neutralise the incidents. We can start off by being more open minded. I'm fairly sure if you're reading this you have achieved step 1. Next, we need to share our awareness with others. Like hosts our own female empowerment campaign in the neighbourhood or start a feminism club at school. Politicians should listen more and talk less. Preferably talking less nonsense as well. Whether you are liberal or conservative, listening to your supporters should not have opposed your views. More people are claiming and striving for equality with each passing day. Don't pass laws for the sake of doing your job. You need to actually care about the masses. That's what makes all the difference.

Honestly, I could just ramble on and on about the things we should be doing but I can literally hear my friends and family clamouring me down to celebrate my birthday. Yep, a coincidence? I think not. So please forgive me if I end rather abruptly right now. I'm sorry for being so selfish. Also, for some of us, right now we're in the middle of taking the  A- Levels examination. Which is why I haven't been updating frequently. Again, I'm so sorry. Until next time.

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