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Castiel greeted Dani the next day. Keenly aware of their differences, she kept her distance from him when she found him sitting at the table in the library and politely asked, "Where are Sam and Dean?"

"They, uh, they went out to get food and... stuff?" He phrased it like a question.

Nodding, Dani swallowed and took a deep breath. She headed to the kitchen, and hearing the angel's footsteps follow her, her shoulders tightened. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, as if feeling the holier energy radiating off of his vessel.

Assuming a shaky air of indifference, she reached into the cabinet to grab a teabag. Cas sat at the table while she filled up the kettle with water and put it on the stove. "You hungry?" Dani forced out as she popped some bread into the toaster.

"I don't eat," he stated in a flat voice. Dani wrapped her arms around herself as if she could shield herself from the awkward air. She sniffed and tightly nodded, averting her eyes. It was clear that Cas felt just as uncomfortable, for he shifted in his seat and looked at his hands.

"H-how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Better," Dani said, surprising herself with how true the statement was. She rubbed her arms, suddenly feeling cold. She had been thinking a lot instead of sleeping the night before, images of hell still haunting her, and her lips were itching to ask the question aloud. She thought better of it, however, and stayed silent.

"I know these past few days have been really difficult for you," an understatement. "But, we're all here for you."

The stoic expression on Dani's face finally cracked into a small, strained smile. "Thank you," she whispered, and rubbed her chest.

The kettle whistles, and she quickly turned to pour the water into her cup. Noticing she had poured too much water, she grabbed another mug and teabag and poured Castiel a cup. He looked up at her in surprise when she placed it in front of him.

"Can I ask you a question?" He nodded, staring at her with suspicious eyes. She took a deep breath and sat next to him with her own mug. "Do you think the demon is still alive?"

A pause. "W-what?"

"The demon that started my bloodline," she elaborated, speaking faster. "Do you think it's still alive?"

"Uh, maybe? Why?" he asked warily, as if knowing the answer.

Dani's gaze became steely. "I want to kill it." Cas's blue eyes examined her brown ones, looking for some uncertainty or sarcasm in those dark discs. He found none.

"You're serious." It was not a question, and Dani did not answer it. He took a deep breath, shoulders rising and falling slowly. "Maybe we should run this by Sam and Dean first--"

"I'd do it with or without them... or you," she insisted, folding her arms in front of her chest. "Although your help would be nice."

Cas swallowed; Dani watched him with unwavering dark eyes. He was visibly uncomfortable under this cold gaze. "They won't like it, they've had experience with revenge, and it isn't--"

"I know," she cut him off, voice hard. A pause as the angel waited for her to elaborate, sensing a question in the air. "That's why I need you to back me up when I tell them."

Cas sighed and looked up at the ceiling, exasperated. "Cas, please," Dani said quickly.

He lifted his hand and let it drop in reluctant surrender. "Fine. I'll try."

The girl's shoulders slumped with relief. "Thank you."


The Winchesters stared at Dani from their places at the table. Castiel stood behind her, unmoving.

Protect Her ~ supernatural / sam winchesterWhere stories live. Discover now