Chapter Three

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March 22nd, 2015

"You're burning up," my mum said, followed by a sigh. I'm burning up, burning up, for you baby. "How'd you get so sick, so fast?"

"I probably just caught a virus," I croaked and sat back down on my bed. "Nothing much to worry about. I'll be fine."

"Just lie down and I'll get you some Ginger Ale. Alright?"

I nodded. She smiled and left the room. I sighed, this time, and collapsed onto the soft comforting of my bed. A part of me was contemplating on whether or not calling Luke, but I knew he was busy probably hanging out with Calum, though. And Cal already knew that I was terribly sick, I texted him this morning.

A few minutes later, my mum showed up with a plate of toast and a drink in her hands. I thanked her before she exited. I wasn't all that hungry, yet I knew that to stay healthy I had to. This was something that Luke didn't know.

My phone buzzed from beside me and it ended up being Calum who decided to finally text me back.

Luke's not with me, so idk where he is, but I'll call him if you want

My best friend knew me better than I knew myself. I replied with a simple OK and closed my eyes. Being sick sucked, and so did having a migraine on top of it. And another con was that I definitely had to miss school because of this. Though that struck me as a little disappointed, it only meant one thing. To lay in bed all day and watch Netflix. Can I get a hell yeah?

So after an episode or two of Awkward(.), there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I called out to whoever it was. In walked Luke with Rascal in his arms. "Oh my, God. Why?"

"I read that dogs make people feel better when they're sick. Hi, babe," he grinned sheepishly and set my dog onto my bed. "Wait, actually, just kidding Rascal, move. I wanna sit there." I laughed. When Luke sat down, that was when I sat up. "How are you feeling?"

"Get me a trash can and we'll find out," I lied, but he obviously didn't get that since he practically fell off of the bed. "I'm kidding. You said that to me that one time you were in the hospital, I believe."

"I did? I don't remember anything from those days," said Luke as he scratched his head and sat back down.

"You said you loved me for the first time the day I visited," I whispered, followed by an intake of a large amount of air because I actually felt as if I could have passed out.

"Did you say it back?" he asked me.


"Oh," Luke nodded. "When did you first realise you loved me?"

I pressed my lips firmly together and thought. While that process was happening, his hand reached out for mine and joined them together, but I acted like it didn't affect me. In reality, I loved holding hands with him.

"I think after formal." I tried so hard to remember. "You might have been asleep since it was around like three in the morning, but after the many times you said that you loved me, I said that maybe I loved you back."

"You love me back, present tense," he winked, causing me to cough and chuckle at the same time.

"Yes, I love you."

"And I...think you're okay," he smirked before pointing to my dog on the floor. "I love Rascal."

"He won't be the one insanely missing you when you leave soon," I quietly said. Luke's grip on my hand tightened to the point where I could hardly feel it.

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