Chapter Fifteen

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July 8th, 2015

There was something I didn't fully understand about Luke, and that was how one day he'd be all rainbows and butterflies, then the next he'd completely shut everyone out. For the fifth time today, he ignored my call. To way it was a little upsetting would be a huge understatement, because I never usually called him. It'd be pretty fucking awesome if he answered, otherwise I wouldn't have to be so damn worried.

It just made my head hurt thinking about him. The last I remember having time to myself was years ago, I needed a break. I set my phone down and sighed. As much as I cared about him, I needed to care about myself, too.

"Mum, can I borrow the car?" I asked, stomping down the steps.

"Yeah, but some of your stuff is in it for Saturday..." she trailed off, still being upset that she had to let her baby move in with a boy. I pouted. "I'm sorry," mum sighed.

"No, maybe you're right, maybe I shouldn't rent an apartment with him," I shrugged. From the time he asked me to now, I haven't really thought much about it. Maybe it would be a mistake.

"Actually, Paige, it's probably a good idea, for you. But it's just a hard step for a mum. You're just a step ahead." I nodded.

"Yeah, to get my heart broken again," I mumbled.

"You forgave him very quickly," she said.

"I didn't forgive him," I quickly responded. I never once said that I forgave him. It was simply this, I still love him a lot and am willing to see past it if he were able to. And he was obviously miserable without me, for what it seemed. Then again, his depression over that amount of time had gotten much better. I had to talk to him about this. I didn't need time to myself. Hell, this was going to kill me.

"I just need the keys," I sighed and she walked over to the hutch that held her beloved China. She set the fob and key in my hand before sighing herself.

"Are you going to see him?" my mum asked me.

"I don't know," I murmured. "I think I am. Is Greg out?"

"I'm right here," my brother said and crossed his now muscular arms. "Everything okay?"

"I'm fine, just wondering," I practically growled and walked out the front door. I had a problem, I didn't know what it was. Luke was making me angry.

I drove without music and had my fists grip the wheel until my knuckles were bright white. And I didn't even care about the pain, my emotions were everywhere. On the way over, I had continuously called Luke, despite the rules about being on the phone while driving. He still didn't answer.

When I made it to his house, I knocked on his door way too loudly. Nobody answered.

"You're fucking kidding me," I muttered under my breath and raised my fist to knock again, but the door had already opened.

Luke stood there, pants off, shirt on, and hair disheveled. "Paige," he almost shouted in excitement.

"Luke?" I asked, unsure of what he was so excited about. He bent down and our lips met for a total of three seconds. "What?"

"Come in!" He snatched my hand and pulled me into his house, closing the door behind him. "I'm so glad you came."

"You are?" I questioned.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be excited to see you? I'm in love with you, I love you." There was seriously something wrong.

"Um, Luke, I came to talk about what happened over the past three weeks, but I love you, too," I chuckled, sitting down.

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