To Paige

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To Paige,

I'm shaking, I'm literally shaking while writing this. My handwriting is already terrible but now it's just a scribbled mess. I'm so sorry. Our wedding is in two days and I'm so happy yet so fucking nervous that my stomach is swarming with butterflies. If I puke on you during the ceremony, please marry me anyways. I love you and I'll be out for a few hours to talk to someone about our honeymoon. Hint: you're riding a plane and you're gonna like it. I love you :-)

Your fiancé,


P.S. This has been bugging me for days, please tie your one shoe that's just sitting there in the closet. It kills me every time I pass by it

P.P.S. I bought you a star

Buy The Stars // Book TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora