Alexs phone

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Lauren: so one day in fourth grade, I was working so hard on this summary

Alex: as you would.

Lauren: then this kid nudged me and said,"nerd!!"

Alex: do you remember his name?

Lauren: no, do you?

Alex: like it was yesterday. His name was Caleb.

Lauren: ohh yeah!

Lauren: anyway, I blew it off because it was just a simple word.

Alex: until.....

Lauren: until the next day, which was the day I had to turn in my summary that I was doing.

Alex: this is the worst part

Lauren: so I had it in my hand and I dropped it. Then Caleb offered to pick it up for me.

Alex: but...

Lauren: but instead, he ripped it into millions of pieces. And I was furious! And he always harassed me in different ways everyday.

Alex: did you ever find out why?

Lauren: no, I wish I did. Anyway, he was getting on my nerves, then he moved!

Alex: and you were soo happy!!

Lauren: yep. How did that inspire you again?

Alex: nothing lasts forever.

Lauren: yeah, but brothers and sisters will bug you even in the grave!

Alex: true!

I smiled again and glanced at his phone with a text message from, mom.

Lauren: you got a text

Alex picked up his phone and had a worried look on his face

Lauren: what's the matter?

Alex: I forgot I was supposed to pick up Andrew from school!!!!!

Lauren: your little brother?

Alex: yes!!!

Lauren: w-when does school end for him???

Alex: three hours ago!!!!!!!!

Lauren: go!!!!!

Alex ran out as fast as he could and dropped his phone on the way out

Lauren: wait!!!!

He was already gone

His phone was open and I don't want to get in his business.
But Marissa will.

I picked up Alex's phone and walked home

At home

Lauren: hi mom.

Marissa: why did you come home so late??

Lauren: it's only 6:00....

Marissa: but why did you come two hours after school ended??

Lauren: I was tutoring!!

Marissa: you were, what???????

Lauren: I-I mean I was studying in the library! Yeah!

Marissa: ohhhh. Stupid autocorrect.

Lauren: but I'm talking to you in real life.....

Marissa: I know!!

Lauren: anyway, I'm going to my room!

I walked to my room and fell purposely in my bed.

Alex got a text from his phone from his mom.

"Where are you???????"

I tried to put in a code for his phone to respond to the text





Wait maybe it's his birthday!!
March 28 1990



I answered back.

"This Is Lauren, Alex's tutor. He forgot his phone in the library"

Marissa: what are you doing??

I quickly hid the phone behind my back

Lauren: n-nothing!!! I'm just,chillin'

Marissa: since when are you ever chill?

Lauren: just now.

The phone dinged

Marissa: *silence* what's that?

Lauren: what's what?

Marissa: behind your back!!

Marissa reached behind my back and grabbed Alex's phone

Lauren: give it back!

Marissa: wait!!

Marissa turned it on

Lauren: give it!!

Marissa: this is definitely not your phone. And why is the background Alex's baby brother?

Lauren: ok fine. I'll tell you as soon as you give me the phone back

Marissa gave me the phone and I put it in my backpack

Lauren: it's Alex's phone. He forgot it when we were, studying.

Marissa: I. Was just holding, Alex's phone??

Lauren: I know you have his address. What is it?

Marissa: 1234 Pepper dine dr. Why?

Lauren: I'm going to give back his phone!

I ran out of my room and drove my bike to his house
Then I knocked on the door

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