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Alex: I am so sorry!! I-I didn't mean for this is happen!

Lauren: it's ok! Me neither!

Mom: I'll take care of her! You guys continue to study!

My mom dragged Marissa out by her feet.

Alex: she think we're studying?

I got up and locked the door.

Lauren: I'm sorry, I don't feel safe with unlocked doors.

Alex: why?

Lauren: because one time I left the front door unlocked and a psycho guy just walked in and trying to take me and my sister.

Alex: I'm guess your traumatized?

Lauren: very.

Alex: I'm sure your mom is a real superhero to you.

Lauren: actually, it was my dad who save me and Marissa. I thank him for eternity, but at the same time I hate him.

Alex: Man, your life is so interesting. I wish I could have a life like that.

Lauren: no you don't. Your life is perfect. I wish -everyone wishes they could have a life like that.

Alex: I do appreciate what I have, but sometimes I wish I had less. I always feel like that spoiled boy on TV that's always a brat. And you are the sweet girl that everyone loves. Including me. You're a great person.

I smiled at him showing my appreciation.
He smiled back
For once I knew why Marissa liked him so much, actually she probably like him because he's cute. But he's more than that, he's, the best guy anyone could ever have.

Alex: hey um, do you think I could sleepover? Like, here?

Lauren: if you do you need to sleep on the floor rich boy!

Alex laughed

Alex: that seems like such a good experience! I've never done anything so wild!

Then I laughed.
We make each other laugh. I like that.

Marissa came in, again!

Marissa: what were you saying Alex??

Alex: y-yeah I like your hair!

Marissa: did Alex Burris just compliment me?? I need to Lie down.

Marissa left the room.

Lauren: your cool Alex. I like you bro.

Alex: I like you too, bro.

5 minutes later

I rolled out the air mattress for Alex.

Alex: am I sleeping in a carpet?

Lauren: no silly! This is an air mattress! You blow air into it and you sleep on it!

Alex: how do I blow air in it without a servant?

Lauren: oh my gosh you are such a rich boy!

Alex: yeah! But, how do we actually blow air into this

Lauren: with our mouths!

I pointed to fingers to my mouth.

Alex: won't we like, pass out?

Lauren: but if we take turns, we won't! I'll go first.

I sat down on the ground and started blowing it up

10 minutes later

Alex: done!! Gosh that was hard!

Lauren: yeah but, it's all worth it! And it's getting late! Oh and if you don't find I'll be drooling and screaming on my bed when I'm fangirling over Dwayne Johnson!

Alex: you do that too?

Lauren: why of course!

Alex: I just don't understand how his body is so perfect!!!!!!!

Lauren: I know right??

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