Aww mah :(

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Marissa: what's his problem?

Lauren: n-nothing Marissa!!!!!!

Marissa: are you, crying?

Lauren: no *sniffle* bud out!!!

I started walking faster

Marissa: don't tell me....

Lauren: he did!

Marissa: aww no no no! What was the reason?

Lauren: I have no idea! I hope to never see him again!

Marissa: Lauren, your his math partner, his tutor, and he lives right down the street from us. Your going to see him again.

Lauren: *sniffle* can we go home?

Marissa: by all means.

Home at last

Me and Marissa walked to my room.
This the only time marissas ever wanted to talk to me about my life.

Marissa: why would he do that? He loves you, right?

I just got done blocking him on Snapchat

Lauren: loved. Not anymore.

I looked on my messages and he sent me a text message.

Alex: Lauren, I'm sorry. But I just need some space from you. It's not you it's-

I instantly threw my phone at the door

Marissa: did he text you?

Lauren: and used that "it's not you it's me" bullshit.

Marissa: *sigh* I hate that crap. Lauren, I'm your big sister. I've been though many many break ups. I know how much it hurts thinking you did something wrong. But, it's Alex. I know him like the back of my hand. He'll come around. For sure.

Lauren: you really think so?

Marissa: did you not just hear my speech?

I chuckled

Lauren: well I don't want him in my life.

Marissa: Lauren. You want him in your life.

Lauren: nah I don't feel comfortable having idiots around me ya know?

Marissa: well, I know you'll be missing him once he gets another girlfriend. Then you'll feel guilty because he's the one that got away. And you talk to him like a crush but you actually dated him. It's called love.

I pick up my phone and start to reply

Marissa: I knew it.

Lauren: Alex?
Alex: yes?
Lauren: this break up is a break? Right?
Alex: I hope so.
Lauren: well, just know if we never get back together I'll be here. Waiting and waiting.
Alex: well, just know that I still love you and if I get a new girlfriend that means, I happen to lose interest.
Lauren: ok. Same.

I threw my phone at the door again and flopped on my bed

Lauren: he, its, its possible that he, might, not like me anymore?

Marissa: it's a struggle that we all go through Lauren. Every single girl will go through heart break.

Lauren: well why don't you react like me?

Marissa: oh I do. I'm just better at hiding it.

Lauren: privacy?

Marissa walked out of my room and I looked on my computer for that picture Alex sent me three days ago

Marissa walked out of my room and I looked on my computer for that picture Alex sent me three days ago

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Captioned: the love of my life.

Crying, I slam my computer shut.

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