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authors note: YASSSSS IM BACK WITH THE LAUREX FANFICS!!!!!! ive actually decided i'll update this story regularly again!!! I'm so excited!!!
now, the moment you've all been waiting for............

I ran up two stories into a random room.

I took off my wedding dress furiously and put on a rope.

Lauren: too young, too young, "I won't talk to you Lauren!!" Oh shut up!!! Marissa, ughrrr your right!!!

I threw the dress off the balcony.

I held tightly onto the balcony and watched it fall down three stories into the street.

I furiously pushed off the balcony railing back into the room.
I face planted Onto the bed and threw everything across the room trashing the place.

Whenever I got mad I just lost it.

There was a tray of wine glasses and I threw it onto the wall watching the glass shards go everywhere.
I ripped off the blankets and tor up the paintings on the walls.

I threw the remains of the paintings off the balcony as well, until I noticed Aaron and marissa were standing there on ground floor.

Aaron: what the hell are you doing?????

Lauren: fucking up the place what do you think I'm doing??

Marissa groaned angrily.

Marissa: you always do this!!! Just for once calm down and stop breaking everything around you!!

Lauren: too late psycho!!!

I pulled the tv off the wall and punched a hole into it.

I threw it off the balcony and it landed on Aaron's foot.

Marissa: that's it I'm coming up there!!!

Lauren: unless you want to be that tv I suggest NOT coming up here!!

I threw the mirror to the same wall I threw the wine glasses and it left a pile of glass shards.

I wonder what I will do with those...

I heard a knock at the door followed by the door creaking open.

Marissa: Lauren, are you ok-

I screamed at the top of my lungs as I took a drawer off the vanity and hit the fireplace with it.

Marissa: Jesus Christ please stop!!

I turned my head slowly to marissa

I picked up a glass shard and threw it at her.

Marissa: STOP!!!!

Marissa held my wrists preventing me from throwing again.

Marissa: calm, down. Why are you the mad one anyway?

Lauren: because of you!!!! Mrs. Stressing-me-out!!!

Marissa let go on my wrists and and let my arms go to my sides.

I walked over and sat down on one of the comfy chairs.

Lauren: I hate everyone.

Marissa: why?

Marissa sat down on the other comfy chair next to me.

Lauren: everyone's putting pressure on me!!! why cant I just have a good wedding??

Marissa: do I need to say that you were the one that bailed?

Lauren: I know shut up!

Marissa: ok ok!! So, your going to break up with Alex, right?

Lauren: no, wait yeah! Wait, I don't know!!!!!

Marissa: really? 

Lauren: I don't know ok?? ill figure it out later.

Marissa: uhh okay. well before anything, you need to clean up this mess.

I looked around at the huge mess full of broken vases and glass shards.
I sighed and started to clean.
Marissa smiled and walked out the room.

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