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What the hell did I just do?
Me and Alex walked for a long time until we found a place that was perfect for just talking,a picnic on the grass.

Lauren: um, Alex?

Alex: yeah?

Lauren: i-I don't believe in getting back together with exes.


Lauren: but, I think your worth the price.

Alex: really?

Lauren: your a good guy Alex! That's the thing! You always have this little sparkle of enjoyment of life in your eyes, something that a child would have.

Alex: ok your getting too cheesy.

Lauren: sorry, but it's true. This is the first time someone broke up with me. And, I still love you.

Alex: I loved you too.

Lauren: ........loved?

Alex: I mean, I did.

Lauren: did?

Alex: I have.

Lauren: what about the now?

Alex: well.....kinda.

Lauren: wow. Maybe this is why I didn't get back together with exes. Because there all douchebags.

Alex: but-

Lauren: I really thought you were the one Alex. Why did you think I went through all this trouble just to have two minutes to talk??

Alex: now hold on a second-

Lauren: I'm missing my sisters graduation for you, you bastard!!!!

I turned my back and started fast walk

Alex: wait!!! You didn't let me finish.

I stop walking then turned around.

Lauren: what?

Alex: I loved you. We've been through a lot together. As a couple. It's been fun. What about the now? I don't even know what gonna happen next. I've realized that living as a rich boy where everything is handed down to me is, cool. But living life on the edge is even better.

Lauren: what's your point? I'm missing out on the last day of school for this! One of the last days of childhood!!!!!!!

Alex: exactly. You obviously care. As I was saying, living life on the edge is amazing. And so are you.

Alex got down on one knee.
I gulped.

Lauren: what are you doing?

I realized all of this. The nice picnic, the perfect set up.

Alex: Lauren (insert last name here) rihiimaki, I know we are only so young, we aren't even together, but I can't-

Before Alex could finish, I ran and hugged him so fast, faster than the flash.
I cried and tried to hide it

Alex: *laughs* will you marry me?

Lauren: yes yes I will. Now please stop making me cry.

Me and Alex both started laughing then later back down on the picnic blanket.

Alex held the ring in his hand, and I put it on my finger.

Alex: I love you. How's that?

I smiled.

Lauren: even better.

Alex: were only 17. Your mom will never give me your hand in marriage.

Lauren: age is just a number. And who said I has going to tell my mother?

Alex: you bad a$$ mother- f*cker.

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