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The next day..
Tutoring in session...

Lauren: so, what would be your answer?

Alex: 23.5?

Lauren: correct!!! Again!!!

We high fived.

Alex: this whole tutor session has be fun and all...

Alex said sarcastically.

Alex:... but are we going to discuss the elephant in the room?

Lauren: what would you be referring to?

He rolled his eyes.

Alex: our relationship? As a couple?

Lauren: oh right!! No, we will not be discussing that. I've decided that my tutoring will be nothin but professional.

Alex: ok, when will we talk about it?

Lauren: I said professional!

Alex: I just asked when we will-


Alex: fine. Let's just do some stupid math things.

Lauren: perfect. Now... when-

Alex: we need to break up.

Lauren: PROFESSION- wait, what?

Alex: great tutor Sesh Lauren! Gotta go!!

Alex Frantically grabbed all this things then ran away as the bell rang.
What, just, happened???

Ok so I wrote this chapter on May 5th 2018 and I ever finished it and...
Lauren and Alex "broke up" yesterday!! And I put quotations cause it's a break but still THEY'RE NO LONGER TOGETHER!! Omfg I'm so mind blown 😂😂😂
Welp, enjoy this half chapter of me being a psychic and future reader without even knowing it, and honestly, even though I don't really keep up with Lauren and Alex anymore I was still pretty sad about the "break up." I was literally at my friend Kayleigh's house and my other friend Emily was just like, "Lauren and Alex broke up!" And I didn't believe her until I watched the video. Like holy freaking crap. But uh, yeahhhhh.

More to come?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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