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The bus

Marissa: hi.

Lauren: hey.

Marissa: do you think it's a good idea for you to sit in the window seat?

Lauren: sure. Why not?

Alex walked on the bus

Alex: hi!!!

Lauren: hi.

Alex: do you want to sit with me?

Lauren: n-

Marissa: she would love to!!!

Marissa whispered in my ear

"I'm helping!"

Then She shoved me toward Alex to the lint where we're almost kissing.
Great help Marissa. Great help.

Me and Alex sit on the very back of the bus.

Lauren: i thought you were too rich to handle thing kind of peasantry 🙄

Alex: oh please! My dad owns the bus company!

Lauren: and what does that change?

Alex: that my dad wants me to ride the bus sometimes!

Lauren: I see! And why do you always sit at the back of the bus

Alex: it's the perfect make out spot

Lauren: what?

Alex: what?

Alex tried to look into my eyes and do all that romantic stuff but I looked away

Lauren: Alex I don't need this right now.

Alex: fine.

He looked away and it felt like half my soul was missing

Lauren: Alex?

Alex: yeah?

Lauren: you look like you need company

Alex: I have all the company I need thank you very much

Lauren: don't sass me.

Alex: who said I was under your control?

Lauren: are you doing that thing where you try to make me feel guilty because it's not working!

Alex: really? Well I got a girlfriend!

Lauren: no you didn't.

Alex: mhm.

Lauren: well then why was your latest post on Instagram about me and about you feeling bad?

Alex: you stalked me on Instagram?

Lauren: you tagged me.

Alex: ok. I'm sorry Lauren. I was wrong to do that. I feel like such an idiot.

Lauren: you feel like an idiot?

Alex: I was an idiot. Can we be together again?

Lauren: hey. How bout this?

I waited for the bus to be at a stop light then opened that back door of the bus

Alex: what the hell are you doing???

Lauren: saving us.

I grabbed Alex by the wrist and hopped off the bus before the green light.
The bus took off and we ran to the sidewalk

Alex: now what? Wanna go to my place? My parents are out of town-

Lauren: yes! I-I mean, sure. Why not?

Alex: great?

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