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I woke up and grabbed my nightstand forgetting that Alex isn't leaving me cute little notes anymore.
I sigh, then get up.
Marissa knocks on my door and slowly creaks it open

Marissa: laur?

Lauren: what?

Marissa: are you ok?

Lauren: can you come in?

Marissa opened the door completely and then closed it

Lauren: what do you want Marissa? To ask me if Alex is going to school??? Well that's in the past! Things are different now!!! I don't even want to say his name anymore!!!! He's a jerk!!! I don't care what you say about him! But please!!! Don't think that he's on my mind 24/7!! Because he's not anymore! He's gone from the brain that is mine!! So no, I don't know if he's going to school nor do I care!!!!

Marissa: ...... I just wanted to ask if your ok.

Lauren: oh, I'm fine.

Marissa: Lauren today is Friday.

Lauren: ughhhhh! Tutor day! You know what I'm not going to school!

Marissa: but today is also your field trip day to that climbing place you can't stop talking about.

Lauren: ughhhh!! I'm going to school, but not talking to him!!

Marissa: he sits right next to you. In every class.

Lauren: well then I won't look at him!

Marissa: you guys are partners for climbing.

Lauren: when did that happen????


Alex: hey want to be partners for that field trip in two weeks???

Lauren: how could I say no?????

End of flashback........

Lauren: anything else?

Marissa: you also got that meet up for all the students!

Lauren: what does that have to do with Alex?

Marissa: nothing. But that's when I'll get my revenge on Brody!!!

Lauren: Marissa no. Your revenge tactics are soo violent!

Marissa: example?

Lauren: once I took part of your salad and you hit me with a frying pan the next morning to wake me up!!!!

Marissa: but it didn't do any permanent damage!

I Point to the scar on my forehead

Marissa: how did you get that from a frying pan?

Lauren: you just hit me with it after you Cooked eggs...

Marissa: ouch. Your ok though, right?

Lauren: I roll my eyes

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