
8.2K 238 150

Hello anyone and everyone.

My name is Charlotte. Most of you probably know me as Miss_Megaheart. And only a select few of you have seen my face, whether that means we literally grew up together, went to the same schools or we've talked to each other on skype. I made this account accidentally three years ago, back in March of 2014, when I was twelve. It's now September 3rd, 2017, and in two days I'll be going into grade ten/second year of high school, and I'll be turning sixteen January 21st. I also want to be either an author or graphic novelist/someone who makes comic books.

Back when I was twelve, this was so exciting because I am now secretly writing stories on the internet that my parents don't know.

When I turned thirteen, I hit 1000 followers and was elated!

When I was fourteen, it was beginning to get a little boring.

Once I turned fifteen, I realized that maybe my fanfic writing days are coming to an end. I could barely bother to check more than once a day. Then every other day. And now I can't remember the last time I checked, I'm gonna say at least a good two and a half weeks. And don't get me started on hiatuses either.

So here I am, with about 4k followers after three years of writing my ass off, saying goodbye to all of you. And I want to let you all know, no matter how tired I was of writing fanfiction, no matter how much I hated my old creepypasta fanfictions, I have felt so happy just knowing that you guys enjoyed reading my stories.

To the people that came to me, asking me to read the stories they wrote, I'm glad I inspired you to write your own fanfiction.

To those I collaborated with, damn that shit was fun.

To the friends I made here, I love you all.

Now, I will not delete my account. I'd feel bad if I just suddenly deleted my profile while someone was in the middle of a story.  But I will not be active anymore on this account, I'm logging off for good.

I love you guys, and I shall bid some of you guys farewell with something I haven't done in actual years. I love you all.


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