Toxic Relationships // C5

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"You can't stop a person from doing what they want to do" - Unknown

Scarlett's POV:

"And...." I stated as I sat down on his bed.

"Well I just wanted to apologize for Chelsea's behavior...she can get a little mean sometimes" he said awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes, Jack must be really in love with her for him to be blinded enough to not see her true self.

"It's fine" I lied.

"Yeah but I also wanted to talk to you about something else" he said as he sat down next to me. "I know we literally just met yesterday, but I want you to know that I will not judge you no matter how you answer to this question"

I nodded but my heart started to pace because I'm pretty sure he was going to ask me if I liked him.

"Do you have pistanthrophobia?" he asked with  deep concern.

I was could he of known? Pistanthrophobia was the fear of trusting due to past relationships going bad. I developed this condition shortly after middle school...

"" I stated as I got up, immediately uncomfortable.

He noticed my discomfort and got up to hug me. I threw my hands up and stepped back...

"How did you know?" I asked crossing my arms.

"The way you begged Daniel to stay and how you flinched when I hugged you. You were scared to be alone with me and you were also scared of my touch...two very big indicators that you have a hard time trusting people" he stated.

Or just indicators that I don't want to get close to you because I like you...

I sighed, "it started shortly after middle school when I had a friend named Violet. She was my best friend...well actually my only friend in high school. At first, she came off as super nice and sweet, she would literally make me soup if I was sick and she would bring me cookies after a breakup. But that all changed the moment her crush picked me over her...she said she was fine with it and that I could date him if I wanted, I didn't of course because I knew it would break her. However, the next Monday she started to physically abuse me. It started with unnecessary slight punches and slaps but it quickly turned into pushing me to the ground, pulling my hair, and punching me harder. Soon, the physical abuse turned more into verbal abuse and she would make me feel insignificant and worthless. I was scared of her...and that didn't help when she came over to my house. The moment we were alone she would call me names and slap me". I sat down on the bed again with my head down and tears ready to fall.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Jack's asked as he knelt down in front of me.

"I was scared and eventually she moved away...but now I can't trust anyone as easily" I said as I wiped a tear.

"I promise I won't hurt're my friend and I see you as my sister." Jack stated as he tilted my chin up.

Great...the family zone. Even worse than being friend-zoned.

"Now come on...", he said grabbing my hand, "let's go downstairs and we can watch a movie".

I nodded as Jack began to lead me out his door. My phone decided to ring at that very moment and I let go of Jack's hand.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi this is Katy Summers from American Red Cross, we've noticed that you've volunteered with us multiple times and we would like to ask you to join us at Hurricane Irma"

" I don't know if I would be of very much assistance" I stated as I looked at Jack.

"Don't be silly! Of course you would...according to my file, you've been trained for emergency situations and we really need your help"

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