Delusions & Lies // C20

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"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions to be destroyed" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Jack's POV:

Six hours before the fight with Scarlett....

I woke up late in the afternoon in a foreign bed, where was I? My eyes flicked open as the events of last night slowly poured back into my memory. I rolled out of bed in nothing but my boxers and rubbed my eyes. I didn't remember much of how I got to the bedroom so I just followed the path of clothes that were torn off last night. They led me to the kitchen where Chelsea was nothing but my shirt.

"Hey sleepy head, hungry?" she asked as she flipped a pancake.

The scent of bacon and fresh fruit quickly filled my nostrils as I sat down at a barstool.

"I can't believe I slept in this late" I mumbled as Chelsea passed me a plate of pancakes, bacon, and fruit.

"Well, we were up late last night...and most of the morning."

I took a bite of my pancakes, hoping to ignore the guilt gnawing at the bottom of my stomach. Chelsea walked over and began to massage my shoulders while kissing my neck.

"You're really cute when you're sleepy" she mumbled as she continued to massage my shoulders.

I shook her off and she made a frustrated face.

"What? Too sleepy for another go at it?"

She walked in front of me and leaned against the counter, I ignored her lustful stare and focused on my food.

"Baby, what's wrong?" she asked as she hopped in my lap, forcing me to stop eating.

"Nothing, just hungry is all" I lied.

This was all wrong, it should be Scarlett making me food and not her.

"Okay then you can continue to eat" she mumbled as she picked up my fork and started to feed me.

This was definitely weird but I haven't eaten all day so I was desperate.

"So I was thinking...", she paused as I refused to eat more, "since you chose me over Scarlett, maybe we should make things official again."

She started to play with my hair but I automatically reached up and grabbed her wrist. She gave me a cringe-worthy pout and I let her wrist go.

"I didn't choose you over anyone" I retorted.

That practically made her out jump out of my lap as an offended look crossed her face.

"What?! But last night-"

"Was a mistake, I shouldn't even be here" I finished as I stood up and started to walk back to the bedroom while recollecting my clothes.

"Wait, then why did you come over to my house?" she called out as she followed me.

I continued to franticly pick up my clothes until I made it back into Chelsea's bedroom. She touched my shoulder which caused me to stop and face her.

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