Regaining Trust // C12

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"Trusting you is my decision. Proving me right is your choice" - Unknown

Scarlett's POV:

I felt the warmth radiating from Jack's chest onto my back and my body fitting perfectly into his. He had my body pressed against his and he had one arm laid protectively over my body. Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?

I tried to get up as quietly as possible but as soon as I inched away, Jack immediately wrapped both arms around me and pulled me closer.

"So I see you're up" I mumbled holding onto his arms that restricted me from leaving my bed.

"I've been up for awhile debating whether or not I should kiss you" Jack replied.

"We're not even dating" I remarked as I tried to get up once again but he pulled me back down.

"Let me enjoy this moment before you leave me until I can become worthy of your affection" Jack mumbled into my hair.

I couldn't help but blush and smile at his comment. However, I knew that Jack knew that I would be staying in his arms for awhile. I turned over and rested my head on Jack's chest. He wrapped both arms over my body while I wrapped my leg over his leg. He kissed the top of my forehead as I reached up and started to stroke his cheek with my thumb. I admired his features as I brought my thumb to his lips and played with his bottom lip.

"Oh the things I want to do to you right now" Jack mumbled before he kissed my thumb.

In one swift motion, Jack hoisted me on his lap and sat up to kiss me before he picked me up and gently rested the balls of my feet on the ground.

"Sorry, I had to steal one more kiss from your soft lips before I prove to you that you can trust me" he stated as walked over to his phone.

"Wait" I stated as I jogged over to where he was standing and grabbed him by the collar. I pressed his body onto mine and rested my hand on his chest as I covered his lips with mine.

While his kiss was a mere peck, I decided I wanted more from him. Besides, I had to give him something to fight for while he's on his journey to redeem himself. I locked our lips for the last time before I pulled away and gently pushed him away.

"That was cute" Jack stated as I smiled and bit my lip as I turned around.

"We should head over to your house soon" I mentioned as I walked into my closet to find an outfit. "Your shirt should be in the dryer"

"Okay, I'll be right back" Jack stated as he left my room.

I changed into a white low V-neck body con and blue high waisted shorts with a long feather necklace. I decided to continue my rebellious streak and wear something rather provocative. I finished putting on my necklace when Jack walked back into the room.

"Well you're providing a lot of motivation for me to redeem your trust" Jack stated as he smirked.

"As much as I would like to see you try, I think you have to make it up to the boys first" I stated as I grabbed my keys and phone off of my nightstand.

"You can drive?!" Jack asked in shock.

"Yes" I stated walking downstairs.

"And you have a car?!" Jack asked once again with shock in his tone.

"No but Jade said I could borrow one of her parents' cars if I needed to go somewhere" I stated as I swerved around the corner into the laundry room.

I opened the back door in the laundry room to find six different luxury cars.

"Holy crap" I whispered under my breath.

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