Wonders of the Heart // C8

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"Some people come into your life and you just know you will never be able to replace them if they left" - Unknown

Scarlett's POV:

I got switched to dawn patrol because of my injured ankle which also meant that I would be supervising the shelter instead of making rescues. Originally, I was supposed to be with Zach and Corbyn but Jack insisted he stay to help me so Corbyn and Zach were on a rescue team. Therefore, I woke up at four am when Katy switched our teams and I've been up ever since.

It was roughly five am now but my task isn't that hard considering everyone was practically asleep.

"Here" Jack whispered as he sat down next to me and handed me a water bottle.

"Thanks" I stated shifting in the plastic chair I was sitting on.

"How's your ankle?" he asked before he took a sip of his water.

"It's fine but annoying since I can't be out on the island helping people"

Jack laughed at my statement, "What? Why is that funny?" I asked.

"It's not, it's just I've never met someone so kind and selfless before", he paused, placing his hand on my thigh, "you're one of the good ones".

"Well I'd hope so" I said trying to contain my flushed red cheeks. His compliment along with his touch ignited something within me but last I checked, he said he was in love with Chelsea. "Come on, we need to start counting supplies" I added trying to distract him from noticing that I was blushing.

"Of course" he stated as he stood up and shifted some curls out of his eyes. God, his curls were so cute in the morning when they were all untamed.

I walked Jack over to one of the storage units and we starting to count supplies before the sun rose and we had to start handing out supplies.

"Julia!" Rebecca called out. Rebecca was a six year old girl whom I met before at an earlier poverty camp when I went to Puerto Rico to help poor families with children.

"Shhhh, it's Scarlett remember?" I stated looking over to see if Jack noticed, he didn't. Julia was my given name but Violet made me feel like it was a worthless name so I made everyone call me Scarlett. Technically, my full name would be Julia Scarlett Marie Caraway.

"Oh right" she said as I picked her up and walked away from the service table.

"Scarlett!" Mackenzie, another six year old I meant at that poverty camp, yelled as she ran towards me and hugged my knees.

"You guys shouldn't be up this early, get some rest" I stated as I took a knee and set Rebecca down. I looked at Rebecca and Mackenzie with a stern look trying to get them to go back to sleep. Eventually, we erupted into laughter before George, a seven year old boy who I also met at the camp, tackled me to the ground.

"That wasn't nice" Rebecca said sassily to George.

I laid on the floor laughing before I sat up and looked at George. "George! What did I tell you about those sneak attacks?" I asked.

"Uh.....I don't remember" he said with the cutest smile.

"Okay, fine, but next time...please don't attack me" I said as I threw my hands up and shared another laugh with the children.

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