Him & I // C22

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(A/N: This is just a suggestion but play the song when I tell you to)

"In the end, it's Him & I" - Halsey

Scarlett's POV:

My heart pounded with each step I took towards the boys' house. I really dreaded leaving them and I didn't really know how I would say goodbye. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, as if none of this was really happening. I watched as Jade knocked on the door which left my stomach in knots. A few moments later, Jonah opened the door with the brightest smile ever. He swooped up Jade in his arms and led us inside to where the rest of the boys were sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys" I mumbled as Daniel, Zach, and Corbyn all looked up from their tasks.

Jonah was busy kissing Jade so he wasn't really paying attention but he will in a minute.

"Scarlett! We're so happy to see that you're okay! Come sit down" Zach offered.

"I can't..."

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I started to feel nervous. I watched as all four boys in front of me grew concerned.

"I-Is, um, is Jack here?" I asked.

A very large lump sat in my throat making it hard for me to focus.

"No, he's out" Daniel stated.

A wave of relief came over me, I didn't want to face Jack. I know he would think that all of this was his fault, don't get me wrong part of it is, but I don't want him feeling guilty.

"Scarlett, what is it?" Corbyn asked.

I knew they all knew about my assault which is probably what they're worried about right now. However, I think I've moved past that incident, I have other things to worry about.

I watched Jade as she nodded towards me as a way of telling me that I needed to tell them.

"I'm leaving" I mumbled.

All of their jaws dropped except Corbyn jumped up in shock.

"What? Why? There's still a few weeks of summer left" Jonah remarked as he looked at Jade.

He must be worried about her and wondering how sad she is since I'm leaving. The boys were anxiously waiting for an answer but I found that it was becoming harder and harder to say something. Tears were starting to form as I remembered why I had to leave. I threw my head back in an attempt to push the tears back down.

"Um", I sniffed, "my horse is really sick and my dad is getting deployed."

I threw my arm across my face so my tears would catch on my arm. The boys looked at each other before Corbyn came up and hugged me. Shortly after, they all came and hugged me in one giant group hug.

"We understand" Daniel mumbled.

I sniffed again and wiped away my tears. I will see these boys again even if it kills me. We all pulled away and stood in a circle.

"Scarlett, if you need to go home to recollect yourself then we're completely okay with that" Zach stated.

I smiled and nodded, lost for words. The boys were so understanding and caring, I was definitely blessed to have them in my life.

"Will you be back?" Corbyn asked.

Of course, the one question I was dreading to answer. My knees grew weary as I tried to gain courage to say my answer. Tears swelled in the corner of my eyes as I shrugged.

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