Worn Out Places & Familiar Faces // C23

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"Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who lament, very short for those who celebrate. But for those who love, time is eternal" - William Shakespeare

*Six years later*

Scarlett's POV:

Six years, it's been six years since my summer with Jack and not a day goes by that I don't miss him. I honestly thought that I could go to college, date other guys, and completely forget about Jack but that didn't happen. Instead, I didn't date one single guy and I LITERALLY TURNED DOWN EVERYONE I MET. What is actually wrong with me? On the bright side, I completed my part-time MBA program at Texas A&M and I start an internship soon.

It was another hot summer day in Texas but yet I still had to care for the horses in the stable. Eclipse never woke up from her incident and we had to put her down, I still miss her though.

Currently, I was brushing a new horse named Ace, he was a caramel-colored American Quarter House. He was very traumatized when we first got him but he seems to trust me.

"Honey! You have a call from Jade!" my mom called out as she entered the stables with my cellphone in her hand.

Ace naturally backed away further into his stall as my mom handed me my phone.

"Thanks, can you wash Queen?" I asked.

"Of course" my mother stated as she walked over to Queen's stall.

I left the stables and headed towards the apple orchards, apparently my mom wanted to grow apple trees. I sat down and rested my back against the nearest apple tree before I facetimed Jade.

"Scarlett!" she called out when she answered.

I looked around her surroundings and saw that she was in her bedroom. Jade's YouTube channel really took off so she was able to buy herself a mansion in Beverly Hills. I thought it was an idiotic idea because she only lives with her dog. She came to visit my ranch once but I haven't been back to L.A since that summer.

"Jade! I'm so happy you called!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't called earlier, I just got back from Paris."

Jade was in Paris for a huge runway show, she was invited as a VIP.

"It's totally okay, so how are things-", I paused because I noticed a ring on her finger, "wait, what's that?"

Jade blushed as I caught a better glimpse of her diamond.

"He proposed to me and I said yes" she stated as she got emotional.

"Awe, Jade! I'm so happy for you but are you going to tell me who this mystery guy is?"

Jade and Jonah had a mutual breakup as soon as I left, I felt extremely guilty because I always figured that it was my fault. Jade has been dating someone for a few years but she always kept her relationship very private. Her secrecy made me wonder if she was dating a prince from a foreign country, you know like what normal people would wonder.

"You know I can't, you'll find out at the wedding."

I sighed, she won't even tell her best friend. I thought it was messed up how she wouldn't tell anyone.

"So what about you? Did you find anyone special yet?"

My smiled dropped and so did my spirit, her question reminded me of Jack. It reminded me of how much I still longed for him, even if he broke my heart.

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