Chapter 2

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I slipped my shoes on and carried my things outside. I loaded them into my red 1960 Chevy Impala. I called my friend Haley Schaeffer.


"Hey, Haley. Could you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I have to go a 24 hour drive to LA to go to my brother's house. You know I hate planes, so I was wondering if you'd want to go with me. 1, to help with the drive, and 2, you could finally meet my family. What do ya say?"

"Yeah! Totally. I'll be ready in 10."

We hung up. It's convenient that Haley's house is 10 minutes away, and she needs 10 minutes to pack up. I started up my car, the hum of the engine being music to my ears.

I pulled out one of my cassette tapes and put it into the player. Black Sabbath blasted through the radio as I drove to Casey's down the road.

I pulled up to the gas station and turned off the car. I shoved the keys and my wallet into my pocket.

I got a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. I payed the cashier and walked out. I opened the driver side door, but before I could climb inside, a girl and her father walked up to me.

"Excuse me miss, can my daughter and I take a photo of your car?" The man asked.

"Oh yeah, sure, go ahead." I said, closing the door and stepping away from my car so they could get a picture.

The girl -about 14 or 15 years old- held up a camera that had to cost at least $300. They took a few photos, thanked me and left. I climbed into my car and drove to Haley's.


The drive took ages, me and Haley taking turns napping while the other was driving. We eventually got to Los Angeles while I was driving.

I found a beautiful house- wait, that was the address on the card. It's Mark's beautiful house. Two floors, a white picket fence surrounding the yard, a lovely little porch with a swinging bench.

I parked on the side of the road and woke up Haley. We grabbed our stuff and walked up the steps. I rang the bell.

I was ready to see my brothers again. To see their faces, the change from the past 10 years I hadn't seen them. What they've become, the differences between then and now.

But honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what's happened in the last decade. Mark and I are 28 now. What does he look like? And Tom? He's 30. What's he been up to?

The door opened.

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