Chapter 8

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"I'm not surprised that you can play, I just didn't think you'd be experienced enough to play that song." I replied.

"So I'm an inexperienced older brother now?" Mark asked sarcastically.

"Only by a few minutes." I rolled my eyes.

"But I do agree with Rick, we do make a good team." Mark added.

"Yeah. Maybe the 4 of us should get together at some point." Kaden suggested.

"Sure." I gasped. "Oh my god! I just realized something! Mark, we don't have any speakers for the music at your party. Maybe we could play."

"Genious! If you're going to be playing, you might need some drums." Mark said, smiling at me.


We drove back home and I immediately started putting my drum set together. I would have to take it apart to bring it back to Florida, but it's totally worth it.

I set it up in the garage, so it wouldn't make too much racket inside. I played my new drums for a while and Mark practiced his guitar with me.

*3 am*

I tapped on my drums a little more and finally finished another song. I had no clue what time it was, but Mark came storming into the garage in a bathrobe and pajama pants.

"Hannah, what the hell? Why are you still playing? Just get some damn sleep already." Mark complained.

"What do you mean? What time is it?" I asked.

"Its 3 in the morning." Mark rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, can I just play one more song? I haven't played in ages."

"No! Just go to bed!" Mark shouted.

"You're not my mother." I snapped.

"Quit being a damn baby and get some fucking sleep!" Mark yelled.

"I don't need you to treat me like a baby anymore Mark! I'm an adult so treat me like one!" I screamed, stand in up and dropping my drumsticks.

"How about you act like one then, Hannah! Don't argue with me!!" Mark shouted.

"It you just let me be and allow me to do what I want, then I wouldn't argue with you!!!"

"Just shut the hell up!! I just want to sleep!! If you want to make noise, then go to someone else's house and keep them awake!!!! Just fucking go!!!!!!" Mark shoved me to the floor.

I looked at him, scared he was going to hurt me. My eyes filled with tears as I stood up and walked out angrily. I let my tears fall as I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

As soon as I did, I ran into someone.



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