Chapter 5

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"Hannah?" Mark asked. Mark sat on the bed next to me- burried in the blankets and crying into a pillow. "What's wrong? Why did you get mad at Mom back there?"

"Because Ash and Caleb are- were special to me." I sobbed.

"What happened to them? And who were they?" Mark asked.

I finally explained it to him. "Caleb was my fiance. We dated all throughout college, he comforted me when Dad died, and he eventually proposed after 5 years of dating. I said yes to him."

"Ash was our dog. Originally Caleb's. Ash was 10 when Caleb and I moved into the house I currently live in. We went on rides all the time on our boat on the Indian River." I continued.

"One afternoon, Ash, Caleb and I went on the boat. Caleb forgot his life jacket in the car and only realized it when we were miles away from the port. An hour later, he and Ash were playing fetch in the water. Caleb would throw the ball a few feet from the boat and our big grey Australian Shepard would fetch it."

"Caleb leaned over the edge of the boat to get the ball but fell in. Caleb was the world's worst swimmer, and was too far away for me to reach. I had nothing to pull him in with. I shouted for help, my phone was also left in the car. I got Ash into the boat and I jumped in after Caleb like an idiot."

"I tried to get him back to the boat, but the river started moving faster, the current dragging us further from the boat. That's when I realized that it was either die or save myself without Caleb. He told me to save myself and leave him. He let go of me, his last words to me being 'I love you so much and I promise to get home soon.' I never saw him again."

Mark made me sit up and he wrapped his arms around me. He rocked me soothingly and whispered, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize, Mark. It's not your fault..... It's mine." I stood up and turned away from my brother.

"It's not your fault Hannah. Don't blame yourself. Please." Mark stood up and hugged me from behind.

"Don't pull that protective-older-brother shit on me Mark. It doesn't work." I pushed him off me with my right hand, still not looking at him.

"Hey. I'm not pulling anything, Hannah. It's just that I don't want you to think that way." Mark explained.

"Can you just leave me alone for a bit?" I ran my fingers through my hair again.

"Hannah.... What did I see on your wrist?"

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