Chapter 7

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(Don't play the song yet!!!!!!)

"Hannah..... I'm sorry. I wish I could have done something. Really, I do. But if something is hurting you so much that you feel the need to hurt yourself, please come talk to me. Maybe it won't even be that bad, maybe it'll just be someone talking behind your back. Just please let me know about these things. Okay?" Mark said.

"Only if you promise not to tell anyone about this. Okay?" I asked.

"Deal. Now, you need to apologize to Mom, then maybe I can show you around LA." Mark put his arm around my shoulder and we walked downstairs.

When we got to the kitchen, Mark let go of me and I looked at Mom, who was washing the dishes. "Hey Mom?"


"I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier. I just had a long day of traveling and that really stressed me out. I didn't mean what I said. Honestly." I apologized.

"Its okay, Hannah. Hey, Mark, why don't you take Hannah to that store you said she'd love?" Mom changed the subject and we both looked at Mark.

"Oh yeah! Let's go Hannah." Mark led me to the shoe rug and we put our shoes on. He grabbed his wallet and keys and we walked out.

We got into Mark's car and drove for about 10 minutes. We parked next to a store called "Rick's Picks" and got out of the car.

"What is this, Mark? A resale shop?" I asked sarcastically.

"No. Its so much better. And it's something you love." I looked at him confused and we walked inside. I looked around and saw what I thought was heaven.

"Woah. This is so cool! How did you find this?" I asked.

"I was spending a gift card from our aunt. I don't know why she sent it to me, but when I came in here, I knew I should save it for you. So, find a drum kit that suits you and have at it." Mark waved me off and I set out through the huge store full of electric guitars, bass guitars, acoustic guitars, drums and practically every other instrument you can think of.

I found a really nice acoustic drum kit and sat down on the stool. I started with a simple beat using the foot pedal, than grabbed the drumsticks. Not too many people were inside, but several were playing electric guitars using amplifiers.

An old friend of mine, Brett, walked up to me as Mark looked at some guitars on the other side of the store. "Hey Hannah. Remember me?"

"Yeah. Hey Brett. I wasn't expecting to see you here." I replied.

"I was trying to find a better guitar than my old one. You want to play something?" Brett asked.

"Sure. Who's your friend?" I asked, noticing another guy was with him.

"This is Kaden. He plays bass."

"Hi." Kaden and I shook hands.

"What did you want to play, Brett?" I asked.

"How about our song from college?" He asked.

"Oh, that one. Definitely." I smiled.

(Play the song now)

Brett grabbed an electric guitar off the rack behind him, Kaden grabbed a bass guitar and I picked up the drumsticks. Brett started playing "Chop Suey" by System Of A Down.

Brett was the one who sounded just like the song of SOAD, so he was the one to sing.

Wake up!
Grab a brush, put on a little makeup
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
Why'd you leave the keys up on the table?
There you go create another fable

You wanted to

Grab a brush, put on a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys up on the table
You wanted to

I don't think you trust
Self righteous suicide
Angels deserve to die!

Wake up!
Grab a brush, put on a little makeup
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
Why'd you leave the keys up on the table There you go create another fable

You wanted to

Grab a brush, put on a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys up on the table
You wanted to

I don't think you trust
Self righteous suicide

We cut off before the song ended, but by then we had an audience. All the employees, seven customers and the manager were applauding our little performance.

"Nice job you three. I think you'd make a good band." the manager, Rick said.

"Actually, we didn't even come here together. I've known Brett, but haven't seen him in years and I just met Kaden. We just love that song. Ever since it was released, Brett and I had to learn how to play it." I explained.

"And him?" Rick pointed to my left, and to my surprise, Mark was there holding a guitar.

"Mark? You can play 'Chop Suey'?" I asked.

"I'm surprised you didn't even ask when I learned to play guitar." Mark said, making us all laugh.

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