Chapter 3

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"Harry dear, can you hand me the oven mittens," Barbara asks. 

Harry is quick to do so, excited that the cupcakes are ready to be pulled out of the oven. As soon as they're taken out, a heavenly smell of freshly baked bread is in the air.

"Let's wait until these cool down for a bit. While we do so you can tell me all about this boy that you're smitten with." Barbara winks and head towards the living room. There are family photos all around the area making it more homey. Lovely furniture as well as paintings hung on the wall. It's very dated but beautiful nonetheless.

Harry has known her as long as he could remember. She's always been a lovely woman who's cared for Harry since he was young. He likes to consider her a grandma figure in his life. 

Of course she has an idea of Louis ever since the day Harry bumped into him. He wouldn't stop talking about Louis and asked Barbara to teach him how to bake. She gladly accepted because it gave her something to do and Harry was simply a natural at it. So Harry comes over to her house almost on a daily to bake cupcakes and learn everything from her.

"Louis is so beautiful, he's very outspoken.." He goes on like he usually does while she listens with a smile. 

"I would love to meet this young man one day."

Harry nods in a hopeful manner, wanting that as well. He one day hopes to win over Louis and introduce him to Barbara because she's very important to him.

After a while of chit chatting, they are finally able to frost the cupcakes with a homemade icing. This has to be Harry's favorite part in making cupcakes. He loves swirling the icing on top and he makes sure it's perfect each time. He's always so concentrated, that he never realizes that he sticks his tongue out during the process. 

When they're finally finished, they sit down together and enjoy a well deserved cupcake. She talks about her family and how proud she is that one of her grandson is starting university.
Even more proud that he has a full ride scholarship.

"You should meet him dear, he's a lovely young man. I'm sure you two can hit it off as friends."

Harry nods his head in agreement. Loving the idea of making a new friend. "What's his name?"

"His name is Niall."

Harry thinks for a moment because that name sounds rather familiar. Then it hits him fast and remembers the boy at the tattoo shop, his name was Niall.

"Does he happen to have blue eyes and blonde hair?"

"As of matter of fact he does, have you met him already?"

"Yes I met him a few days ago at Louis' tattoo parlour. He really is a charming person." He smiles at the memory.

"Wonderful, I'm glad you two met already. He's always been an outgoing young man, making friends with anybody he meets."

"He does seem rather friendly." He blushes, remembering how sweet he was.

They continue to chat for a few minutes until Harry bids her goodbye. He makes his way to his favorite place to go, well second after the meadow while singing.

"Swish, swish... bish." He giggles because the song is so silly but catchy.

He continues walking until he hears someone calling his name. He turns around and sees that it's Niall. He smiles when Niall reaches him, Niall doing the same.

"I knew it was you when I saw that purple sweater. I didn't think I'll ever see ya again." Niall says, a little out of breath.

"I did actually."

Oblivious | Larry Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon