Chapter 10

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Louis woke up around 10 a.m. and decided to get up. He rolled out of bed, leaving it unmade and went straight to his bathroom. He brushed his teeth first then washed his face to wake himself up. Once he was done freshening up, he walks out his room to eat something.

He stops in his tracks when he sees Demi already sat down, eating cereal. He walks over silently to grab a bowl, serving himself milk and cereal. He sits down directly across from her, watching her eat. She senses Louis' eyes on her as she continues eating.

"I know females are a strange concept for you since you're gay. But we do eat you know."

Louis rolled his eyes. "Don't be a smartass. I'm just wondering why you're still here. It's been a couple of days and you still haven't told me why that is." He questioned, then started to eat cereal.

He watched her for a while until she sighed. She put her spoon down and looked at Louis sadly. "Me and Wilmer aren't together anymore."

Louis sorta figured that out by her being here but he still wanted to know why. So he looked at her, waiting for her to explain.

"We were fighting constantly before I left to the states. So I decided we needed a break from each other, before anything else escalated. So that's why I left. I wanted to clear my head and for him to do the same. But when I came back I um . . ."

Her voice started to shake and this is the first time he's ever seen her so emotional. She shook her head, refusing to cry so she laughed instead. Despite her resistance, a tear escaped, rolling down her cheek as she wiped it off, chuckling weakly.

"I went into our bedroom with breakfast to surprise him since it was early in the morning. But when I went in, I saw him in bed with another girl, sleeping naked."

Louis frowned at hearing that. He never liked the guy from the beginning and he knew his instincts were right about him. And the age difference between them is what he hated the most. He was twice her age. He was a complete creep to Louis the moment he met him.

"So I quietly left the breakfast on the nightstand and left unnoticed."

"Why didn't you go off on him or wake him up? Do something." He asked confusingly.

He knows Demi very well, she never been the one to takes anyone's shit before. So it surprised him to hear that she didn't do anything big.

She finally looked at Louis with tired eyes, previously avoiding eye contact with him. "Trust me, I wanted to do so much at that moment, my mind was racing. I wanted to dump that hot food on him and yell. I wanted to drag that girl out of my bed and beat the shit out of her." She said, then stopped. She breathed deeply.

"But I was so shaken that I couldn't move, I was trembling in place. I was completely heartbroken at the sight. I also didn't wanna hear some half ass, on the spot excuse or hear whatever he had to say. So I quietly left." She finished, looking at her cereal, not hungry anymore.

"I never fucking liked him. He was too old for you." Louis said with disgust.

She smiled, "I know, you told me right in front of him that you didn't." She laughed at the embarrassing memory.

"Yeah well he didn't deserve you, you're too good for him. You're smart, funny, beautiful and an amazing person. He's an old dumbass that lost all of that."

She smiled at hearing that. Louis is a very kind and caring person despite the way presents himself to be. It's a shame that he doesn't show it to others. But it makes it all the more special when he does. She feels lucky to be one of the people that sees that side of Louis.

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