Chapter 9

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Louis woke up more contently than he did the previous days. It might had something to do with finally seeing Harry last night. After Harry settled Louis' worries of him not being upset with him, it made him feel at ease.

His reason of not coming was odd but he realized it was none of his business. He tends to overreact at times and worries too much but he can't help it. He doesn't like certain changes, especially if he has no control over it.

Harry somehow, managed to squeeze into his life and made a spot for himself. Whether Louis liked it or not, he couldn't stand the idea of not having him in it anymore. There's something about Harry that he's attached to. He doesn't know exactly what that may be but he couldn't imagine him suddenly leaving.

He often feels empty, which is most days unfortunately. But certain people in his life help him feel somewhat whole.

And one of those people is now Harry.

Louis is a very complex person to say the least. No one can understand him with the exception of certain people, but to a certain extent. And that's because they know the real reason behind his complicated mind.

Louis started making breakfast, cooking a little bit more than usual. He decided on waffles because it's simple enough. A few minutes later, Demi comes out tiredly from Zayn's room.

Louis notices she's wearing his clothes and he squints his eyes at her. "Morning, did you sleep comfortably in my clothes?"

She smiles brightly at him, "of course I did."

He huffed, plating hers and Zayn's food. "Why didn't you borrow Zayn's clothes?"

"Because all of Zayn's clothes were too small on me."

"Well next time ask or wait until I'm here. I don't need you snooping around my stuff." He informed her.

"Why, are you scared that I'm gonna find your collection of dildos or something?" She laughed.

"I don't own any, you're confusing me with Zayn."

"What about me?" Zayn said, suddenly coming out of his room. He takes a seat, smiling at the choice of breakfast.

"Your collection of dildos." Demi said with a smirk.

Zayn's face turned a few shades darker as the two laughed at his expense. "I don't have a whole collection... I only have two."

Once they quiet down, Demi turned to Louis. "Okay but you can't tell me you don't at least own one Louis. You're gay." She said in a matter of fact.

"Well it's the truth. I don't go down that way, you can even ask Zayn."

"Louis!" Zayn snarled in embarrassment, practically killing him with his eyes. Louis only shrugged, sipping his tea.

Demi looked between the two and then gasped, her eyes wide. "Oh my god."

Zayn covered his face.

Louis chewed his food.

"You two fucked?"

Zayn groaned loudly, removing his hands from his face. "Yes okay. But it was a long time ago. It's never going to happen again."

"Wow, I wish I was there to watch."

Then it was Louis' turn to groan. "Don't be fucking gross Demi, I'm trying to eat here." He pointed to the delicious waffles he made.

"Okay but that would be the hottest thing to watch. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who would think that. You two together, kissing and.."

Oblivious | Larry जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें