Chapter 8

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It's been a couple of days since the incident at Starbucks. Fortunately Harry did not return to back. But that's not the only place he hasn't returned to in the past two weeks.

He stopped going to the tattoo shop as well and it wasn't gone unnoticed. At first Louis seemed to be relieved that he wasn't being bothered by Harry. He was thrilled to finally be left alone and just focus on his work without seeing purple.

However, by the fifth day he was confused. Harry has never gone more than three days without coming by and seeing him. He's not complaining because he doesn't care but it's strange and it gives him an odd feeling. He can't explain it but it just doesn't feel right.

So every time he heard the door chime, he expected to see the usual curls entangled in flowers. But it's always another client of his or Zayn's walking through the door.

He doesn't know why but every time he heard the little sound, he checks to see if it's him. No matter if he's inking someone or doing a stencil, he makes sure to look at the entrance.

You know so he can kick Harry out and tell him to leave him alone. That might sound untruthful but it's not. Louis just needed to see Harry then everything would be okay. Even if it's only for a few seconds.

Louis was working on some sketches, having already finished his scheduled sessions for the day. Since it was still early, he accepts walks in when he's free. In the meantime, he draws to get new ideas for designs to show his clients. It also helps him release stress and tension he's holding in.

The door chimed again and Louis looked up to only see Zayn's client leaving. He sighed and went back to his current drawing of flowers.

"You know, I'm pretty sure Harry is just busy." Zayn suddenly spoke, sanitizing his chair.

Louis' pencil lead broke, muttering curse words because he lost his sharpener the other day. He huffs and looks at Zayn annoyed. "I don't remember asking you about him."

Zayn lightly laughs and sits down across from him. "You don't need too. I see you eagerly looking at the door every time someone walks in. I know you're waiting for Harry to come in."

"You know nothing." He retaliated.

"Then who are you waiting for?" Zayn hummed.

Louis was at a lost for words. Who else is he gonna say other than Harry. He hates people in general and Zayn knows it. So him saying someone else's name would be a complete lie.

But by some miracle, Louis didn't have to answer his question because his answer came through the door.

"Did the gays miss me?" There came in their receptionist that's been on vacation for two months. She had a big smile on her face while walking towards the boys.

Louis looked at Zayn with a smug look, "I was waiting for her."


He honestly forgot that she went away because as soon as she did, that's when Harry came into his life. But he was relieved that she walked in through the door at the right time. He'll probably give her a raise because of it.

Zayn rolled his eyes because he knows the truth. He knows everything about him and deep down Louis knows it too. But he pushed it aside because his friend has finally returned.

"Fuck no." Louis said, answering her previous question. He stood up with a straight face as she came closer. Then he wrapped his arms around her tightly, making her laugh.

"I missed you Lou." She said, hugging him back instantly.

He looked at her once they let go of their embrace. She looked incredible. Her brown now somewhat red, luscious hair longer since he last saw her. Her brown eyes still having that special shine to them. Her smile captivating others to do the same as well because of its beauty.

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