Chapter 11

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Dedicated to @Miarosecostello for leaving me that sweet comment. It motivated me to finish this chapter

Harry just got done making himself a new flowercrown for the week. This time it's composed of these beautiful, large sunflowers and he couldn't be happier. The color is very vibrant and stunning, making it stand out more than the others he's ever made.

He felt very beautiful today and it gave him a warm feeling inside. Something that he hasn't felt in a while.

He's now strolling through the park, where he just left his little meadow. He loves being here, it gives him a sense of joy seeing kids playing and having fun. Sometimes he comes to just sit and enjoy the breeze that flows through his curls. The faint sound of children laughing, the birds chirping naturally is very calming to him.

Suddenly he hears a guitar strumming and someone singing in the near distance. Curious, he makes his way over to the small crowd forming in the park, assuming that's where the music is coming from. As he walks closer, he hears the singing more clearly and he stops mid step.

It can't be, he thinks. But the voice is very familiar and distinctive. It's bringing back these memories the louder the singing gets. It could only be one person.

He finally stands in front of the performer and gasps. It is him. There stood a ginger, pasty skin and tattoo sleeves, a guitar strapped onto his shoulder as he sings softly to the small crowd. His eyes are closed as he seemingly sings his heart out, regardless of the small amount of people. Harry stands there, a little stunned as he listens.

He soon opens his eyes to see a few more people there listening to him until his eyes land on Harry. His blue eyes widen a little but it doesn't falter his performance. He keeps his eyes trained on Harry for the rest of the song.

Harry bites his bottom lip anxiously, a tad bit overwhelmed by the eye contact. He hasn't seen him in so long. So to see him here, practically singing to him was a lot.

Once his strumming stops, the small crowd claps as well as Harry, while the mysterious man gratefully bows his head. A few people throw in a couple of pounds in his guitar case as they leave the scene. Harry does the same, pulling out a wrinkled bill out his pocket then placing it down gently. He gives him a timid smile before he turns around to leave.

But a hand quickly stops Harry as they hold onto his hand firmly. "Hazza"

He tenses at the old nickname, not having heard it in a while. It sounded strange yet to so familiar all at the same time. He turns back around to see him there with a pleading expression. "Can we talk?"

Harry contemplates in his mind for a bit before he nods his head slowly. That seems to relieve the guy, giving Harry a grateful smile.


The two are currently sitting on a bench at the park, not too far from where they were just standing. It's quiet between the two, both trying to figure out what to say exactly.

"You know this is the same bench where we met." He pointed out, hoping it would spark something.

Harry nods his head in response. He runs his hand on the old, rusty metal bench remembering that day perfectly.

"Yeah I remember. Everytime I see it, I remember, ever since you left me Ed."

He sighs,"Harry you know I left for reason right?" He asks tenderly.

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