Chapter 4

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Louis is currently at the store picking up food for him and Zayn's apartment. More like junk because Zayn is a complete pig when he's high, which is often. But he isn't much better when he's lazy and only feels like eating romen noodles.

He makes his way to the produce section when he sees a blur of purple and curls. He rolls his eyes, not wanting to be bothered while shopping.

But for some reason he found himself watching him. He watched as Harry picked certain kiwi fruit, instead of others. Going through each one and putting some back. He even went as far as smelling a few and that's when Louis deemed the boy weird.

But he felt even weirder just standing there watching him. In his defense, it's odd seeing him outside his shop. He's never really seen him anywhere else except for their first encounter.  Especially now since he hasn't seen him in a few days.

The last time he saw him was the day that blonde bitch tried to fight him.

Also the day he over heard Harry say he wasn't heartless.

He just uses his heart... less.

For some reason, his words have never left his mind since that day. It honestly bothered him to no end. His slow, deep boring voice would play like a broken record.

Who does Harry think he is to say such thing?

Call him crazy but knowing Harry doesn't think of him in that way buffles him. All Louis does is ignore him and call him by the wrong name. He for damn sure lets Harry know that he doesn't want to be near him constantly.

So why is this boy so certain that Louis is just some misunderstood person. Why is he acting like he knows him?

He just doesn't know why the kid doesn't take the hint and leave him alone.

Harry is now picking up some bananas and Louis tries not to notice how big they are and continues shopping. He grabs some fruit as well, like grapes because those are Zayns  favorite. 

He leaves the produce section and continues to grab what he needs. Once he's done, he goes to get checked out but notices only one register is open. He rolls his eyes because all these checkout lanes and only one is open is ridiculous. Lazy fucks.

He makes his way in line when he notices someone with a trolley full of food making his way. They make eye contact and suddenly the guy starts to run.

Louis looks at him crazy because what the fuck? But he starts running as well because he hates losing.

Louis starts laughing because the guy crashes into something, knocking stuff off the shelves, resulting with an employee scolding him.  Which means Louis wins.

But he stops when he notices he's behind Harry in line. Of course.

Hopefully if he stays still and quiet, he won't be noticed.

But it proves to be tough when he stands there fidgeting in place. He's never been the one to just stand there quiet and do nothing. It's frustrating.

He hears someone mumbling behind him to see the weirdo from earlier. He gives Louis a small glare while Louis simply smirks.

He turns back around and faces Harry's back. For some reason he stares at Harry's hair and sees how wild it actually is. Some strands more curly than others.

Then his eyes roll up to the top of his head and sees his flower crown. This time the threaded flowers seemed to be an older one. The flowers already wilted away along with its beauty while it sits upon Harry's head lifeless.

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