Chapter 10

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He kissed me... He kissed me! The two of you pulled away from each other and a blue misty frost escaped both of your lips. "W-wha-" You stutter and Loki pushed away from you. He looked upset. At you. "L-Loki?" You fumbled nervously to move away from the ally wall. "What?" He snapped looking at you. "Did I do something wrong?" You grew nervous.

"No." He said looking out into the streets. "We need to move. Im sure they've searched the entire city. And they are going to search it again." You nod and grab your things. "Lets move." He didn't help you with your bags or grab you by the wrist. Did i ruin the kiss...? Either way you were moving and you followed after him the best you could. His armor began to drag down the suitcase making it harder for you to keep up.

"Loki wait." You said but he ignored and kept walking. You stopped and set the bag down, taking your eyes off of Loki before looking back up and loosing him in the crowd. "Loki?" You looked around trying to see him instead spotting Natasha walking straight toward you. You began to panic and turned to walk the other way when you noticed Clint walking towards you from the other direction. You had four choices. You could corner yourself in the shop behind you, run across the busy road, freeze everyone on the sidewalk, including Nat and Clint, or let them catch you.

You've been running for this long why stop now. You didnt want to cause a scene but youd rather run that get caught by choosing the other three options. Hopefully these cars stop... You picked up your bag and began to run accros the busy road. Some cars honked and others stopped but you kept running.

Natasha and Clint had followed you and the traffic was jammed. You began to push your way through padestrians as the two followed close behind you. You could hear them calling after you but you kept moving, ducking into the near by subway platform.

After a moment of catching your breath in the subway you knew you had lost them. For a minute or two anyways. Oh Loki ... where are you...? You thought, panicking and looking around the subway. Suddenly strong arms wrap around you and restraining you from moving. You scream and kick your legs. "Lady Y/N! Clam down! I'm not here to hurt you!" Everyones attention was turned to us. You could hear children calling to there mothers and fathers that it was Thor.

"Thor put me down!!!" You say kicking your feet to try and get away from him. "Im sorry Lady Y/N thats not an option." You struggle still trying to get away as Clint and Natasha run in after Thor. You continued struggling as Clint grabs your bags and Natasha tries to help Thor carry you. You accidentally kick Nat in the face while struggling causing her nose to bleed. Natasha cursed under her breath and fumbled to grab her tranquilizer out if her pack.

You continue to struggle and people around you are filming now. Nat stabs the needle into your thigh and it starts to get harder to move. After a moment of struggling you pass out in Thor's arms. Thor sighs and sets you down on the floor helping Natasha with her nose. Clint packs you on his back as Thor escorts Natasha out of the subway. "Where's Banner?" Clint asks. "He'bs on da Quim Jet..." Nat mummbels through a plugged nose. Thor looked at my limp body quite worried for me.


Once they got to the Quin Jet they were greated by Bruce who was leaning against the walls of the quin jet. The platform was lowered and the radio was on. "You found her. How did you get her?" Bruce asked before noticing Natasha. "Oh my gosh...Natasha are you okay?" Bruce set her down om a chair. "I'll get the first aid kit." Bruce started rummaging through all of there bags.

Clint set me down on a seat and sighed, dusting his hands off. "Drink?" Clint offered. Thor declined with a shake of his head. Clint shrugged. "Your loss." After Bruce helped get Natasha's nose to stop bleeding, he started the engine. The noise rang louder in your ears as you began to wake up. You looked around and began to panick. "No no no! LOKI!!!" You start to fumble with the buckle. Thor walks in front of you.

"Lady Y/N. Calm down. Please. You have to listen to me. You dont know who you are running with. He is just going to throw you out when he's done with you. We've sent S.H.I.E.L.D. out to find him." Thor says trying to calm you down but this only made you more worried. "No. You'll lock him up again... He's the last of my kind. Let me go..." You begin to fumble with the buckle again. Thor places his hand on yours and moves them away from the buckles.

"He's using you Y/N." You look Thor strait in the eyes as he speaks. You say nothing. Maybe Loki was really using you...No that couldn't be right. Your the one that helped him. You were the one that ran with him. But... Was Thor right? Your mind began racing with all of the different scenarios that could have taken place. If he could read minds is it possible that he can control them?...And has he been controlling yours the whole time? All you could say was, "That's not true." But was it?

Bruce was ready to take off when all of the engines turned off. "What the... The propellers and the engines are jammed..." He said pressing multipule buttons on the control panel. "What? How is that possible? They were fine a minute ago?" Clint askes unbuckling and standing up. Thor moves over to the platform panel and lowered the door. Natasha stood up and looked at me warily. "Stay here. We'll be back." The four of them walk out of the Quin Jet to examine the plain. You unbuckled and walked to the opening of the plain. You listened closely for them.

"It's frozen. With ice." Wait but that couldnt have been you. You were to busy trying to get away... so who could have... Loki. "Do you think Y/N could have done this?" "No she couldn't have achived that from the inside of the plain or the enitre tging would be frozen." Not nessicarily true but you listened to the banter. You glanced at your bag. You could run but your things would slow you down.

They could keep it. But it was time to make your move.

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