Chapter 2.

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I Was at work today thinking about everything that happend lastnight,maybe i went a littlet  to hard on him , he Probaly dosen't even know.I think i should call him an say sorry,but for what ? I'm still thinking. A customer came,but my back was turned . "About This Morning,what's up with that ? " I Noticed his voice,today im not up for this . " Oh,so now you won't answer me" ? I Kept my face turned ,i heard him breathe against my neck saying , "They alwaays come back ". What Does that suppose to mean .? Boys These days.ughh.

After Work,i decided to go straight home ,and just relax. I Had a lot on my mind. Somebody knocked on the door,it knocked about 3 times until i opened it .There he was standing there,with no kind of emotion on his face . "Can we start over , i mean i really like you ,but i don't know if you feel the same way ". he said . " i -i " i got cut off . " You dont need to say anything,just come over tonight maybe ? " . He just walked away. It got me thinking ,he thinks i don't like him but i don't know how to tell him .

I Got dressed about half six and made my way over to his place . *knocks on the door * . A girl answers the door. " Hey is jacob there ?" i asked " Well he has company as you can see " she said as she points to herself . " Well um whenever you get time tell him Danni came tru ,oh an add this the girl who liked him bout got led on " i said plastering a fake smile . " No problem " she replied .

Man how can he even do this ? his words still ran through my head " Can we start over,i mean i really liked you ." Total Bullshit . I Got a couple of missed calls from him & messages,like im gonna reply,thought wrong . Why do that an you knew i was suppose to come over to speak to you but still,i got led on,that's fucked up guys ,really fucked up .

Walking down the hallways,of my 'home', I heard  someone call my name . " Danni" . over and over again . I Knew it was Jacob,i could reconize his voice anywhere . i felt a grip on my hand . " What do you want ,Jacob ? i asked . " Why didn't you come by yesterday ?" . " Boy you got me fucked up huh ?'' "What you talking about Danni ?" he asked " When i came by yesterday some girl came an told me you were occupied with her so she didn't tell you well im sorry k ? k . " He did something i didn't expect .

Sorry but Cliffhanger. !!! ♥

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