Chapter 5 .

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Today was the day of my birthday , i was super duper excited,for the day already i got gifts from Rayan,Chresanto and Jacob ,they were all nice and well spent gifts. We were going to Diseny World today to spend my birthday . I had on some ripped skiiny jeans ,a lace bustier and paired off with some 13's . We had to catch of flight in an hour ,Jacob was making sure everybody was in check ,Chrsento, Rayan and my bestfriend Talia was coming along ,they were like family to all of us so what the heck . We had to go pick up ,Chrsento and Rayan at airport . Talia Was Wearing some  white ,high wasited shorts matched with a pink tied of shirt and some pink vans. Everyone looked Good .

We were on the plane Rayan & Talia Looked they were hitting it off : "Yes , i really love food ,like i could eat food all day , "..  she said " I like tacos do you like tacos ?'' he asked "What i loveeee tacos ,like it 's the bomb .com basically ." she said . '' Yassss Baeeeeee" he said as he locked his arms around hers .Aww how cuteee .

Chrsento Pov : I Would take a few glances of Danni once in awhile,because she was just so pretty,im just waiting for Jacob to fuck up ,then she will be mines ,i dont konw . I only metg her the other day ,but it feels like i knew her forever,the way he puts his hand around her,and she snuggles into his chest makes me feel kinda of sick ,but it's whatever i guess .

We we all got to diseny World we booked our rooms and went to explore. We went on all the rides,the tea cups,we ate, we watlked around , talked a bunch of shit ,laughed . It was Really fun ,.i was the best birthday ever spent . 

Later that night ,it had the castle that lit up ,and fireworks plus they gave us balloons it was so fun ,i feel like a little kid ,i felt so happy , i never felt this way before . It's a good thing a very good thing.

Jacob's Pov : I love to see her happy ,she looked like she had so much fun lastnight ,they way she looked at the fireworks,and the castle. I Think i'll keep her for a long time ,because she's perfect . yes .

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