Bout ' to pop

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Chapter 9.

5 months later .

*Danni's Pov * :

I walked into the livingroom ,to be greeted with an ear to ear smile from Jacob. I had just returned back from visting my mom and dad at the graveyard,it wasen't really much emotion ,but the sadness was there .

''How was it'' he asked.

''Fine''' . i dismissed .

''You got to let it go sooner or later Danni ''. he whispered .

'' No'' i yelled . '' Im tired of hearing 'they never wanted you ,or ''they left you for dead ,''' all that bullshit is ls stupid ,so fucking stupid ,you know what it is to lose your parents and never see them again , what if i lose you ? i'll have no one , i repeat no one .'' i said while it caused a crowd .

''Babe , im sorry ok, i was just saying something nothing to hurt you in anyway .'' he pleaded .

'' Forget it,im in my room if you need me ,oh and Rayan stop staring at me , i'll be back to normal sooner than you think '' . i laughed while i walked up the stairs.

Later that night .


''Jacob ,wake up '''. i said in a whisper .

''You wanna do it now .?'' i heard him chuckle .

''No You asshole ,i think my waterbag  just burst .'' she yelled .

'' Oh Shit ,wait lemme get you some close .'' he said quickly .


'' Just breathe in and out '' he said to me .

He carried me bridal style into the car ,then we were on our way to the hospital .

12 : 03 

'' I want you to put your legs in a upward position ,and i'll tell you when to push '' the nurse said.

'' It's gonna be over before you know it .'' Jacob said to me .

'' I Want you push , on 3 ,1,2,3. Push ,Push Your almost there .

'' Jacob you see ,what you did to me , never again in life nigga never '' ! i screamed .

Danni's Pov :

The cries of a baby was in the air , i saw Jacob, crying and Rayan and Talia Smiling to ear to ear., i was more happy than words can explain,when she put our child in my arms was the best feeling ever .

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