Chapter 11

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December 15th

I woke up and took a look was snowing it's going to be cold as fuck now. i started my shower,and went to take care of my lovebug. She was playing with her toys, i took her up feed her and cleaned her up. when i was done i took my shower. i had on a purple sweater with some sweats and my purple uggs. Comfy comfy comfy.. I Missed Jacob , sometimes i wish he could just appear a snap of my finger but nah .

'' What Ya'll Doning For ,Christmas ? '' Talia Asked .

'' Im staying home , i guess ,oh and christmas eve shopping . '' i replied

'' Yes Christmas Eve Shopping .'' They all said in    union .

'' I'm Cooking Today Guys . '' i said .

''What You cooking '' Chres Said .

''Mac & Chesse '' . i said 

''Dopeeeeee'' They all said and made me laugh

i then walked to the kitchen,Daniella was with her autie talia and the boys were playing 2k. When suddenly, i heard my phone ring when i looked down i saw Jacob calling i looked down at the phone and answered it


''Hey'' Jacob Said

''Hiya What's Up?'' i asked

Nothing much,What you doing? He said

'' Just Cooking some mac-cheese'' i said and smiled

''And im missing that,where's Lovebug?'' he said and kinda laughed 

''She's With Talia and yea your missing put but i'll leave for you'' i said and giggled

''What you doing later'' he asked

Nothing just chilling i guess, why?'' i said

'' I wanted to take you out,if you can't it's ok''he said

 ''Yea i'll go with you'' i said and kinda blushed

''i'll pick you up at six'' he said and hanged up

welll tonight is going to be fun isn't it i said to myself,when i was done i callled the guys for there lunch lol they looked so funny ruuning to me.I gave them room and went to play with daniella.

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