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Your pov~

Morning is the princess's new beginning ...

     I awoke in a soft white bed. The sun peeks through the curtains above the window blinding me with its bright light.

   My head pounds as I sit up. Everything from last night floods into my memories. A smile itches at my lips as I throw my legs over to the side of the bed and get up.

   The cold wooden floor sends shivers up my spine, making goosebumps show all over my arms and legs.

   A light knock is heard from the door of the bedroom. "Yes~" I call. The young girl known as mey-rin pops her head out from behind the door. "Miss, the young master wishes to see you" she said in her beautiful accent.

   "I shall be down in a moment" She nods her head and closes the door leaving me back in the room by myself.

Time skip...brought to you by undertaker helping ciel put on a corset

    I walk down the huge staircase. Once I reached the dinning room, I immediately see the young earl. "Good morning, phantomhive" I said with a closed eye smile. "Morning, care to sit down?" He asked motioning to a seat across from him.

     I nod my head as mey-rin pulls out the chair for me to sit in. "What is it that you ask for?" I ask as I stared at the newspaper he was reading. "You know of all people that your father, sebastion, works for me" he started. "Mhmm" I hummed for him to continue. "I thought it would be best and in your interest to work with him. In other words im asking you to be my personal maid. Sebastion and I where talking about how you would be learning first hand how to be the perfect demon in the business. Of course you will get nothing in return but to work with your father and have him teach you things. Its suggested strongly an-"

     "Im sorry but I simply cant, I have business of my own" I interrupted him before he can continue more. "Its been taken care of." He said taking a sip of his tea. "How so?" I asked. "Sebastion made sure of it" he said simply.

    I smiled at the thought of working with my father and never parting again from him. "I would enjoy working for you" I said happily.

Oh my goth! Its about time I get this done. You must really hate me right now. Ok so the new gaol  is 4 comments. I would like to do song requests so please comment at the bottom which songs you would like to hear, please and thank you. Now its time to thank some readers! Red_is_alive for all the comments you made! I couldn't stop laughing XD. And Midnight_blue_sakura you have alot of enthusiasm in my book which makes me happy and I enjoy or little talks makes me happy that someone out there is willing to listen to me other then myself ^-^

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